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What to Write in the Career Fair Follow Up Email

Attending a job fair is essential to create a professional network. You get a chance to meet with recruiters. However, being there isn’t the only thing you need to do. You must have to write a career fair follow up email afterward.

Are you wondering why? Well, it’s because tons of candidates are going to meet a single recruiter in a career fair. Dozens share a copy of their resumes with him. In order to remain fresh in his memory, a follow-up email after the career fair is a must.

When to Send this Follow-up Email?

It’s good to send your email within 24-36 hours after you attend a job fair. You need to hurry about it. 

Timing matters a lot. Since a good recruiter is going to meet tons of potential employees in a job fair. Every one of those is going to follow-up anytime soon. You won’t be the only one who will send him a thank-you note; others will follow the same.

career fair follow up email timing

As a headhunter will expect dozens of emails after a job fair, there is a slim chance that he will pay attention to all. Imagine having 50 emails from potential candidates. You will read the first five or six with full attention while skimming the remaining batch.

Sending an email on time, like within 24-hour of a job fair, helps you become a part of the first batch of recruiter emails, aka the ones he will open and read carefully.

What to Write in Career Fair Follow up Email?   

Some important points to consider while creating follow-up email after the career fair are as follows:

Write a Simple Subject Line

In your subject line, you need to mention the career fair where you guys meet. For example

RE: Fatima Jinnah College Career Fair

RE: Best Hires Career Fair

RE: National Career Fair

Here is a list of Career Fair You can make the most from.

This subject line will make it clear that you are following up regarding a job fair where you happen to meet a recruiter.

Start with Thank You

It is a way of demonstrating your respect toward a recruiter. Thank him for allowing you an opportunity to speak up or meet with him. Or you can thank him for saying something fundamental.

follow up email after career fair

Add a Reference

The next important thing you need to mention in your career fair follow-up email is the reference. You might get introduced to a hiring manager through a friend or colleague. Even when you go straight to the recruiter, you must have talked about something.

Reference could be the topic you talk about or a person who is somehow a typical thing of interest between you two. A reference is a key to open up that moment when you did a facetime with a recruiter. 

Here is how to add a reference of a person who recommended you for the job.

You don’t need to make him relive the moment by sharing all details. Just give a quick reference, and that’s it. Don’t beat around the bush or tell him something he already knows.

Show your Interest

When you meet him in a job fair, then you show him your interest in the job, but it’s time to showcase it again. There is no harm in telling the recruiter that you want to become a part of his company. 

Should I attach a Resume or Not?

At career fairs, people always share a CV in written format with the prospective recruiters and employers; it is customary. However, when it comes to writing a career fair follow up email, everyone wonders whether to send a resume again or not.

According to experts, you can attach a resume again. There is nothing wrong with it. In fact, it is convenient for a recruiter to get access to documents virtually.

What should be the Tone of Follow-up Email of Career Fair?

You have met with your recruiter; the connection has developed. You have put your foot in the door; now it’s time to lock the deal. Right?

Well, no matter how amazing was your interaction at the career fair, you can’t go casual with a headhunter. You need to set a professional and polite tone in your writing. 

It means starting your email with Hi or Hello not, with HEY. Check what the most appropriate salutations for business email are.

And End it with a good closing note. Check the best closing/ sign off l salutations of a business email.

Share your Contact Information

At the end of your email, you need to give him all your contact information. Such as how he can contact you? Email might seem a bit professional; a contact number let him go direct. So, share your professional contact number.

Also, add your social account details like your social handle on Twitter. Even you can get connected to him on LinkedIn, after writing an email.

Here is how to find a recruiter at LinkedIn step-by-step.

Wrap Up

Even when you didn’t get a chance to go face-to-face talk with a recruiter, you should send him a career fair follow-up email. Don’t forget to get a business card from the recruiter, so you don’t have to search for his email address online. Always write a follow-up email with a professional tone and add all the essential elements I mentioned above.

Best of Luck for Your Career!

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