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  • What to Do when you are Being Dismissed from a UK Job

What to Do when you are Being Dismissed from a UK Job

October has kickstarted, and it’s when most people in the UK are worried about their job. The government has made sure that the unemployment rate doesn’t boost quickly, and people can still get 80 percent of their salary. However, this relief program from the UK government will end soon, and that’s why people are under stress. They know that if they are made redundant or dismissed, then it’s the worst-case scenario. The fact is that life is unfair, and things can take a wrong turn in life even when you are not ready. You need to know what you can do if you are being dismissed from IT jobs in the UK.

Accept the Reality

Don’t stay in the denial phase; try to move on by accepting that this unemployment scenario isn’t just present in the UK but also other countries. Quite recently, many people are made redundant in the UAE. Especially people lost tons of IT jobs in Dubai. As it’s a global pandemic, therefore you need to deal with it first. Try to accept that you are not being dismissed because you are not capable because of economic breakdown and the current scenario of COVID-19 impact. What most people do is that they start blaming themselves and lose their self-worth. Know how to boost up your self-worth. It’s not what you have to do.

Try to See Bright Light in the Darkness

Are you made redundant on your current IT job in UK? It’s okay, take a deep breath. It wasn’t the end of the world scenario. If you become panic, you won’t be able to find a solution to this problem. It’s a significant setback for many people, but you should try to see the bright light in the darkness instead of crying over it.

It’s possible that you need to make a career change. Some people aren’t satisfied with their jobs, so instead of sticking with that kind of job, it might be your chance to look forward and explore some other job avenues in the UK. Try to dig into yourself and find your passion. Once you know what it is, then you need to take the first step toward it.

find your job passion

Your employer has dismissed you; remember, you are not alone. Tons of others are also facing the same. Sit with those people and discuss some opportunities you can still tap on.

Learn New Skills

If your current situation disheartens you, one way to deal with this depression is to learn some new skills. Enroll yourself in a course. Don’t have a job; use your saving for the time being. There is no need to push yourself back into the office if going back in the field isn’t what you want at this moment. Enjoy your break and learn new skills. Ensure you invest in a talent that can help you land on the best IT jobs in the UK.

Try Working Remotely

Tons of remote work opportunities are available in the UK. Handling small tasks will offer you some sense of accomplishment through which you will regain your self-confidence ( that many people lost when made redundant at the job). A good part of remote work is that you can deal with them anywhere, anytime. Explore top 10 remote job sites.

remote work fratres

Start Your Job Search

Once you feel that you are ready, then start your job search in the UK. You can make the most from the Fratres UK search engine because you can find aggregated job opportunities at this platform. Whether you are looking for a short-term or long term job opportunity, you would be able to find it right quickly from this place.

Refine your CV

As you will apply for a job after a long time, you need to update your resume. Check the latest trends of CV and summaries and then make changes accordingly. Visual CV is becoming a trend for landing quickly at the best IT jobs in the UK; if you don’t know how to make them, you can get guidance from FRATES UK blogs where the writer provides complete details of visual CV and how to create it in the best manner.

Be Ready for Interview

Once you get an interview call, you need to start the interview preparation as your employer has dismissed you, then the hiring manager will inquire about this matter. Make sure that you have created a perfect answer to this question. Don’t feel bad sharing a true story but make sure that things don’t look too bad in your recruiters' eyes. If you are made redundant due to COVID-19, then you might win sympathy quickly from the client. Try to evaluate your answer before giving it to your recruiters. Check an ultimate guide about 27 most common interview questions.

Wrap UP

Once you are made redundant at IT jobs in the UK, you don’t have to feel bad. Many people go through the same scenario. Life has nailed you down; you need to learn how to step up for your career success.You must know how to deal with a situation when you are made redundant at IT jobs in the UK. It’s a frustrating situation, learn to handle it efficiently.


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