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What skills to Put on a Resume

 It’s time to apply for a job and you need a resume to better promote for yourself. Sometimes you got hit by the idea that your resume is not enough appealing or it lacks more additional data for proving your talents. Your ability to manage extra task. and even your hidden knowledge? No need to worry, you are in the perfect track.

A resume is a piece of information about yourself, your academic degrees and your contacts. However, the question of putting skills on a resume sometimes sounds optional. Otherwise, it is not.

In fact, recruitment is not only based on a degree or internship . It deals with more than the academic and professional experiences you have been through. Nowadays, the skills mentioned on a resume can be more important than you think.

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Writing skills for a resume is not about branding or bragging about yourself. It is about tackling more responsibility and showing more credibility and value for your job application. But what kind of skills you should have? Here are the 5 general  skill features that you need in your resume:

1.  The perfect match

      The first thing you need to consider, when you put skills on your resume is to CAREFULLY READ THE JOB DESCRIPTION AND MATCH THEM WITH YOUR SKILLS. Your skills here should act as the perfect match and should completely agree with the terms and conditions of the job.

2.  Realistic skills on resume 

       You have to be realistic. Adding skills on a resume is not like adding extra ingredients to your recipe or adding supernatural powers to yourself. Your skills must be real and realistic. Never pretend or act like knowing all and everything, while you don’t! Never copy some skills from online resume samples and paste them on yours! If you are doing this, you are fake! You are wasting not only credibility but also the chances of being taken for the job.

3.  Collaborative skills on resume 

      We all know that a perfect work is a team work. The ability of working among a team is also required in many job descriptions, based on communicative skills not only with clients, but also with other employers. Here, you should show your ability in making collabs with your colleagues to set plans for your mission so that you can accelerate the awaited results.

collaborative skills on resume

4.  Innovative skills on resume 

It is good to have the sense of innovation and think out of the box. Again as you are required to stick to the job description, you are also allowed to act smart and show your creative and innovative side in bringing magic as well. However, sometimes when you look at the skills required in a job description and you probably discover that you cannot handle a certain project tool but you know another way that offers the same needed result.

Here you should give an attempt to your way. Go ahead if you have an alternative plan! You should not directly quit the attempt just because you lack some skills. In fact, it is a double opportunity here. It is  either to learn a new skill ( the skill that you don’t already have) or to suggest your alternative skill that might be registered as an innovative plan you are adding to your skill sets. In this respect, you have to be flexible and persuasive.

5.  Developing skills on resume

Adding to your ability of matching the required description, you should also show your ability of developing your skills and learn new ones. For example ; you are applying for a subtitling job. But you cannot deal with a specific subtitling program and you cannot afford the time and energy to learn the required program. However, you know another subtitling technique that offers the same results provided by that program. The skill you should have is negotiation. Negotiate for an alternative technique.

Show your employer that you can do it and you can bring the required result (the needed result) on your way. Besides, you need to put in mind that in such situations you are not acting or pretending. YOU RATHER ARE NEGOTIATING for a better alternative! But, if they insist on you to use their own program, which you cannot handle, demand an internship. Offer your time to learn it for free. Don’t raise the white flag at the beginning and quit. Be consistent.

    These are the 5 general characteristics that you should consider when you are crafting your resume. We didn’t mention the typical skill set that shows your software knowledge, your linguistic knowledge or your communicative skills. However, job experts classify skills into two different camps: Hard skills and Soft Skills

On the one hand, hard skills are very specific to the job requirements. Soft skills on the other are within every person and can be used in every job such as communication and adaptability.

skills on resume

Hard skills are generally achieved through academic degrees, professional experience, while soft skills are natural and sometimes need some coaching to be personally developed. Both skills are different however they are needed for better working opportunities. In fact, companies rely on job experts to explore the skills of job candidates and see what they can offer other than a degree and an internship. Therefore, it is necessary to work on both hard and soft skills and continuously improve them to reach more potential and success.

If you want to test your skills and develop them before heading into a job interview kindly follows these tips:


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