What Does an Anthropologist Do?

Institutes of Anthropology are teaching the science of humans around the world. The way humans have evolved in history, how they adapted to different environments, and how they communicate and mix. It sounds interesting. Now, what about the possible professions with an anthropology degree? What does an anthropologist do after graduation? Let’s figure out with Fratres.

An Anthropology Degree:

anthropology degree

The science of studying human beings from many angles is called anthropology. Many people get confused between sociology and anthropology.

  • Sociology is concerned with studying individuals in society
  • Anthropology is about studying individuals not only in the social setting but also in many other dimensions. In other words, anthropology is broader than sociology.

This degree focuses on humans as a science that includes ethnic studies, history, psychology, philosophy, language, and sociology. Today, there are several anthropology branches, in which academic research is available to obtain the Master’s Degree and a Ph.D. degree. This major requires analytical efforts, and some of its specializations require laboratory research and exploration trips. Anthropology is a very wide major. It looks at humanity from its early stages, its pioneers, its landmarks, its findings. Here is a list of its significant specializations.

Ancient Anthropology

When we talk about early anthropology, we reach back to ancient histories of different civilizations. This specialization sounds more connected to the history of communities, languages, customs, beliefs, and others, depending on the sources. Looking for Careers in History? Check this guide

Modern Anthropology:

It includes the recent philosophers after WWII, highlighting economic, cultural, and religious changes. This specialization is based on contemporary studies.

Forensic Anthropology

forensic anhropology

This field focuses on physical anthropology. It deals with environmental and cultural impacts on human development, addressing two major studies:

  • The evolution of human diversity and its importance.
  • The biological basis of human behavior. For this reason, physical anthropologists study the excavations of previous collections and non-human primates. For more info, read this forensic anthropology center.

Cultural Anthropology

This specialization in Britain has the name Social Anthropology. These are the four broad disciplines. It encompasses everything acquired in human life, such as religion, tradition, art, tools, social structures, and family.

Linguistic Anthropology

Languages are markers of history, culture, and human existence. For anthropologists, languages are taught in their social and cultural context across time and space, both verbal and nonverbal, including studying their functions and uses.

Which jobs can you get with an anthropology degree?

Many people think that anthropology and sociology jobs are the same. Well, both graduates can operate in the same sectors. However, training in anthropology will enable applicants to gain professional experience, the norms, and rules in social service and diplomatic activities. Anthropologists can be more required for other fields far from social services.


It is widespread to use this degree in teaching since this major is available in many art institutes. A lecturer in anthropology should have obtained the Master’s Degree to proceed in college teaching. Take a look at What are the Important Sections in a Teacher Resume?

Linguistic Expert:

To your surprise, experts in linguistics are not only English major graduates. Anthropologists can apply as linguistic experts to study and assess the relationship between languages, culture, and societies. Linguistic anthropologists have developed a broad range of theoretical and methodological studies, to highlight the influence of languages on our world perception and intergenerational transmission.

Foreign Service Staff :

Since anthropologists understand the social and cultural context of the countries in which they work. Foreign Service officers are also called External service officers. They operate in embassies and other administrative positions. Adding to an anthropology degree, personal skills, verbal skills, and writing skills are vital requirements for external service officers' jobs.

Non-profit Organizations Officers:

Officers in non-profit organizations are helping to coordinate programs that address the needs of specific populations in different countries. These managers need to design and implement initiatives to reach targeted communities. These officers should have problem-solving skills in basic anthropology, where they develop solutions to issues like famine, disease prevention, and family planning.

Organizational Development Specialist

Organizational development specialists are required in companies working in both social and business context. They settle plans for financing small projects, building schools, and other social institutions within a specific community.

Market Researcher

As it can tell from its name, market researchers identify the production processes and the inverse results and analyze the dynamics of the market. A significant discipline in anthropology, as well as a good knowledge of business, is required for this job.


Documention job

It happens when you turn on the radio while driving your car to hear an episode on anthropology. Documents on this field are financed and sponsored by academic organizations. Anthropology has always been a subject of debate. It has a large set of audience, authors, and professors. That’s why documentation jobs are available for students and even for average citizens interested in anthropology.

Freelance/ Content Writers:

Many websites are providing academic essays on anthropology to help students get the final degree. Therefore, you can sign up for Udemy and sell summaries, make courses online and explanations. You can also check other freelancing tips to make use of your anthropology degree. Can Blogging be a Full-time job in 2020? Please read it to figure out.

 Anthropologists understand the cultural basis of human existence. This major is wider than the social science field. That’s why jobs are available in many areas. Applicants can get the best professional opportunities by following Fratres and uploading their CVs.


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