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  • Understand the Rules of Bringing Your Dog to the Work Policy

Understand the Rules of Bringing Your Dog to the Work Policy

The UK has always been the land of opportunities and innovative professional techniques. Adding to personal life, employees have responsibilities. They have families, friends and relatives. Some of them have dogs. A dog is not easily handled sometimes and cannot live alone, trapped in an apartment until its owner comes. Instead of hiring a dog walker or looking for someone to look after your dog, you can bring your dog with you to work. Is it possible? Let's check it out.

The Truth about Dogs in the Workplace:

the truth about Dogs in the workplace

Dogs are known for being active, continuously barking all the time. So bringing them to work might be problematic. The law does not prohibit bringing an animal into the workplace. Only one internal company law can. As a dog owner, you need to know the workplace ethics and culture before bringing your four-legged animal. The decision also depends on the company's owner. If this person has some animal care activities or knows the impact of a dog's absence on the employee's performances. Several studies have already demonstrated the significant ties between a dog and a person. Some people treat their dogs as if they were their own children. In recent years, this assumption has been changed. Some dog-friendly companies in the UK have recently given an OK to invite dogs in their institutions. Bringing your dog to work is beneficial in more ways than one. Let's find out how .

A Dog Decreases Stress

Work can be a source of stress. Particularly when exercising the profession in companies. The list of your tasks to be performed remains consistent and becomes boring by repetition. The classical relaxation methods are no longer sufficient to relieve the pressure. If you own a pet like a dog, your worries would be doubled, as you fear that your dog makes a mess at home. That's why you need to take it with you to the office! Not only will you be happy to pass the day by your side, but also it will decrease your stress level. Animals have the ability to lower human blood pressure. For similar stress-related topics, take a look at; How to handle employee off with work-related stress.

Making Employees more Active

It is advisable to do at least thirty minutes of exercise per day and get up once every two hours from the desk. Despite these recommendations, few respect them. The presence of an animal favors this practice. You will be more likely to move, take it out, give your dog a drink, etc. Its simple presence will push you, indirectly, to adopt better habits in the work-life.

Start a new Trend in the UK.

BRINGING YOUR DOG IS a new trend in the UK

It is not very common to see dogs at work in the UK. Only a few large companies recognize the benefits that a pet brings to their owners. Accepting your dog presence in a company is like a mark of openness. By making this choice, your employees will have the impression of working in an avant-garde company, at least that comes out of the ordinary.

Increase your Motivation

The presence of an animal is an excellent way to increase an employee's motivation. For a dog break, an employee can double his or her efforts to finish a file and spend a few moments with a dog as a reward. It is a way to establish a daily system to improve productivity. If you are trapped for late hours at the office, a dog can be the best friend for additional working hours.

Dogs at Workplace Policy:

dogs at workplace policy

As dogs are recently allowed to have access at work, there are some terms and conditions to accept these visitors at workplaces:

1.Dog's Behavior Control: if your dog barks every now and then, this visitor is considered an annoying element and might be stressful. If your dog is also agitating and harms the desk arrangement, it will be banned from entering your office next time.

2.Dog's Break: an employee's coffee break is also considered a dog break. There will be no additional breaks other than the usual lunch or coffee break. There will be some exceptions; if the employee completed work, it is allowed for him/ her to go for a dog walk.

3. Hygiene: The dog owner should manage dog saliva and excrement. A cleaning worker has no responsibility for the dog, as he/ she is supposed to clean each department once a day. You may also read; Discover 7 Reasons Why Workplace Safety is Important

4. Workplace bullying: If some people are bothered with your dog's presence, employers will take their complaints into account. Therefore, you should be careful that your dog is not annoying surrounding people, or no one of your colleagues is allergic before bringing your dog.

Despite the many advantages a dog has, this approach still faces many obstacles. Many managers remain reluctant and mention in particular health and safety problems to justify themselves. Some of the employees have cynophobia (dog fear), while others are allergic to dog hair.

  • The risk that the animal could damage the workplace is also possible, including the risk of a bite.
  • Employers can only agree to this process only if the dog is clean and well educated.

These were the different reasons for bringing your dog with you, including the policies related to this process.


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