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  • Top 5 Most Common Interview Questions with Sample Answers

Top 5 Most Common Interview Questions with Sample Answers

The job interview is a very important part of the hiring process. The interviewer will ask you questions to see if you are the right person for the job.

The following are five common questions that may be asked in a job interview:

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1) What are Your Strengths and Weaknesses?

This question is a classic interview question, and it's hard to answer without sounding like you're bragging or dismissing your weaknesses.

The best way to answer this question is to be honest and specific. For example, if your strengths are writing and organization, then you might say that you are a strong writer who can organize complex projects easily. If your weakness is time management, then say so- but also mention how you've improved in this area over time.


  • I am a skilled writer who has experience in writing for both print and digital media. I also have experience in writing for a wide range of audiences, including those with limited English skills.
  • I am a strong writer who can produce high-quality content that is accurate, engaging and on-brand. I also have excellent research skills and the ability to turn around work quickly. My weakness is that I don't have much experience in video production or photography


2) Why Should We Hire you?

interview questions and answers

This is a question that every job seeker should be prepared to answer. The key to answering this question is to think about what you have done in the past and how it relates to the position you are applying for.

The best way to answer this question is by providing specific examples of your past experience that demonstrates how it would be relevant for the position being applied for.


  • I believe my skillset and experience make me a great candidate for the position. I am eager to learn more about your company and would love the opportunity to work with you.
  • I have a strong work ethic, an attention to detail, and an ability to think outside of the box. These qualities will serve me well in this job as I will be able to take on any task that is assigned to me with confidence and efficiency.

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3) What is your greatest accomplishment?

The question is intended to find out how you work, what you've achieved, and what motivates you.

It is a great opportunity for the candidate to highlight their achievements and showcase their strengths.

One of my greatest accomplishments was when I was promoted to a lead position at my company. It was a big accomplishment and I had been working towards it for a while. I think that what makes it so great is that it shows that the company trusts me to be in charge of more than just one person.

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4) Where you See yourself in five years?

If you're interviewing for a job, you'll probably be asked "Where do you see yourself in five years?" or some variation of this question. The interviewer wants to know if your goals align with their company's goals and if you have the drive to succeed.

The best way to answer this question is by being as specific as possible. If you're not sure what your future goals are, say that it's something that you need more time to think about, but that you want them to know what your current career aspirations are.

This is a very common question that employers ask during an interview. The goal of this question is to find out what the candidate’s long-term goals are and if they align with the company’s goals.

You want the interviewer to know that they are hiring someone who will stay with the company for a long time and who has a high chance of success.


5) What would your previous employer say about you?

The interviewer wants to know what you are like as a person and how you would fit in with the company culture.

The best way to answer this question is to think about the qualities that you would like your employer to have and then come up with a few words that they might use.

This will help you come up with a response that is both honest and positive.

Don't forget to mention what you liked about your previous job, and why you left if it was voluntary.

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 I am an open, friendly and hardworking person who always strives to do a great job. I am also very organized and can work well under pressure. I am a team player who can take on responsibility without being asked.


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