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Top 14 CV Writing Tips to Land on a Dream Job Fast

Do you want to impress your recruiter through an impactful CV?In this article,I will share some of the best CV writing tips that you can use to help you land your dream job.

cv writing tips uganda

1. Keep it brief and concise. Don’t overemphasize on every skill.

Your potential employer doesn’t have time and energy to go through a long resume. He would be interested in to-the-point details. So, you better provide him what he is looking for. 

2. Proofread your CV before sending it out

The world of work has changed dramatically over the past few years. With job opportunities becoming more diverse, it's important to find a way to stand out from the crowd. One way to do this is by proofreading your CV before sending it out.

3. Include a cover letter in your CV

Including a cover letter in your CV allows you to make your application stand out from the crowd and highlight skills that will be beneficial to any company you apply to.

4. Make sure that your CV is not too long or too short

Many people feel that their CV is too long or too short. But there are some important things to keep in mind when developing your CV. You should create a CV which is around two pages, and make sure that you include only the relevant information about your skills and experience.

5. Get a professional to proofread your CV for you

There are many benefits to having a professional proofread your CV for you, including the fact that they can spot errors that you might miss. They can also offer valuable advice on how to make your skills more marketable and highlight ways in which you can improve your resume.

6. Consider using bullet points in place of paragraphs

Sometimes it's necessary to break up a piece of text with bulleted lists as a way to make it easier for the reader to take in information. This is especially true when the text you're writing is lengthy or if you're writing for a publication that doesn't use paragraphs.

Check: Top High Paying Jobs in Uganda

7. Include an objective statement at the top of your CV

The objective statement at the top of your CV helps the hiring manager understand what you want to do and why. you want to do it.

An example: Iam a Sales Representative for Bionic Baby andI provide the best customer service to potential parents by offering advice on buying products at the most competitive price. I also work hard to make sure all orders are delivered promptly and with only one broken toy.

8. Include dates where appropriate in Your Job Experience Section

You need to add some dates about your work and past experience. It helps your recruiters figure out what you were doing and how long you worked with a company. If you stay very long with a company or on a job, it shows recruiters your dedication and expertise.

9. Use present tense when describing past experiences

You need to make your CV impactful. It’s vital that you tell your recruiter that how amazing you are and how you can add value in their company.

Recruiters are looking for people with a unique skill set, personality, and passion. They want to find someone who is a good fit for their company so they can keep their team on the right track. It's important that you show your recruiter your value by sending them an email that clearly spells out how you can make an impact in their organization.

10. Use action verbs throughout the CV

You need to impress your recruiter with your resume. You can do that when you add some actions verbs. For example, you can write, “I have achieved this, I have accomplished that, I completed this task successfully. These action verbs would help a recruiter understand what you are capable of.

What are your skills and abilities? Do you have a knack for engaging clients, speaking in public and networking with people?

Don’t forget to read: Most Effective Tips for Job Seekers 

11. Make sure that you have all the necessary information;

Because employers are looking for candidates who can provide quality work, it's crucial to make sure that you compile the information necessary before you apply and send your application to a potential employer.

Read: How to Find Jobs in Uganda 

12. Be honest in your statements;

Please don’t lie in your Resume, because if you would do that it wil backfire sooner or Later. Employer often ask for reference and if they check your reference and doesn’t find it all accurate. It will impact your integrity.

13. Use keywords from the job description;

When you will read job description, you will come across some keywords. For example, an employer will be interested to hire a person with great attention to detail. So, now next time you create a CV, add “attention to detail in your CV.  This little keyword wil help you get an interview call, because you have added some details your employer is interested in. 

14. Summarize what you did in previous jobs;

Try to create a powerful summary of your previous job experience. Here are some examples. Learn from them:

  • I was a marketing assistant at a start-up, so I worked on social media content, messaging strategy and reaching out to influencers to help grow our platform.
  • I am a graduate of the University of Phoenix and have experience working in the fields of business, finance, and public relations for over 10 years.
  • I began my career in the non-profit sector, first as the director of marketing of an organization that supports homeless individuals, then as the director of communications for a women's shelter.

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