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  • Top 10 Most Common jQuery Interview Questions with Answers 2021

Top 10 Most Common jQuery Interview Questions with Answers 2021

Are you ready for your next web developer job interview? The first thing to do is to get familiar with ten common jQuery interview questions. Keep in mind that there would be many other candidates who reach the office with an intention to make an impression. What makes you different from others is your well-done interview preparation. In other words, You can show yourself a good fit for the job when you have done your homework.

Top 10 Jquery Interview Questions

It's time to have a look at the most-asked jQuery questions that you might encounter in your next interview.

1. What is jQuery?

jQuery is a Javascript library that makes it easy for developers to use Javascript on a website. According to Wikipedia, almost 73 percent of 10 million popular websites use jQuery (information updated as of May 2019)

2. What are the benefits of jQuery?

  1. Makes it easy to work with Javascript

  2. Simple to use

  3. Reduce Development time

  4. One can add Animation and effects quickly

  5. When compared with Javascript, it's so easy to work with jQuery


Note: It is one of the most commonly asked jQuery questions. Sometimes, when an interviewer asked this question, he doesn't want you to describe all the benefits. You need to be concise and clear. I suggest you tell 3-5 benefits, not more than that. In case he looks at you with an impression on his face (what's more) then you can tell a few more.

3. Can you make some difference between jQuery and JavaScript?

jQuery is a well-written Javascript code while Javascript is a programming language. 

Difference between Javascript and jquery interview questions answers


4. Why Developer Prefers jQuery over Javascript?

A developer can speed up the development process. He prefers jQuery because he has to write fewer lines of code than Javascript. jQuery is a favorite library for developers because it's a write less, do more technique they can use.


5. What is the chaining method, and what its benefits are?

It is a powerful method used in jQuery. In this method, a person can specify multiple functions, or and selectors for a specified element. Plus point of chaining is that it shrinks the coding segment, thereby making it simple to understand. Chaining employs jQuery built-in functions because they can speed up compilation.


6. What are fast Selectors in jQuery? Or How many selectors are available in jQuery? What their names are?

There are three fast selectors you can use in jQuery. They include CSS Selector, XPath Selector, and Custom Selector.


7.How you can use parent(), children() and siblings() methods in jQuery?

On a selected HTML element, when you call parent(), then it returns the parent. In the same way, you can call sibling () function, and it will show you all siblings of a selected element.


Why you use jQuery?

Certainly, there are many other Javascripts frameworks available, but I like to use jQuery because it is not just the most popular JavaScript framework but also the most extendable and versatile framework to use for a website. The fact is that jQuery changed the way we work with Javascript since it makes coding simple to understand and easy to implement.


Is jQuery a programming language?

No, it is not a programming language. It is a commonly used JavaScript library through which a developer can handle different things on websites such as Ajax interaction, effects, Animation, and documentation traversing.


What is difference between .detach() and .remove() methods in jQuery?

They are basically the same methods. Only difference is .detach() keeps all the jQuery data associated with the removed elements while .remove() doesn’t. Therefore, when there is a need to reinsert removed elements into the DOM at a later date then .detach () method proves more useful than .remove()


Quick Interview Tips

Here are some tips which help you shine well on your jQuery interview session.

  1. Keep information precise: Some candidates try to explain irrelevant details. Don't do that. Time has its value. So, make sure you understand that. Provide only relevant details or examples as an answer to a jQuery interview question.
  2. Don't be over smart: Many times, the candidate gets overconfident while solving a code or responding to a technical question. They behave like no one else could do that. You have to avoid this kind of attitude. People like to hire smart people, but they don't like to work with over smart people. 
  3. Do you Basic and Advanced preparation: Do Prepare for not just the answers of general questions in jQuery interview but also for some codes. Make sure you get some basic understanding of jQuery and also check some advanced jQuery interview questions here
  4. Don't Get Confused: In case you don't know the answer to a question asked in a jQuery interview, then don't show your confusion at all. It will leave a very bad impression. 
  5. Quote Examples: Sometimes, an answer needs some sort of example and explanation. Make sure you quote some good examples when the need arises.


Wrap up

I provided you with answers to some basic jQuery Questions. Make sure you keep in mind while getting ready for your web developer job interview. Practice makes you proficient and lets you win the attention of your interviewer. So, work on it and win an IT job of your dreams.

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