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Top 10 Highest Paid Jobs In Tanzania

Tanzania is a developing country and with every step of development, manpower is important to achieve goal. Though Covid-19 has affected the economy of Tanzania severely Tanzania has recovered from the loss and is back on the fast track of development. While looking for a job in Tanzania, always go for the highest paying job so one can meet both ends easily. The cost of living in Tanzania is very high to accomplish a western living style and standard one has to earn hard. 

While applying for a job always ask first-hand for the expected salary, accommodation, commute and other perks to save later trouble. A degree from a well-reputed institution, a diploma in required skill work and experience from a good organization pay well in any job. Following is a list of highest-paying jobs in Tanzania with expected minimum and maximum salaries. 



Judges are responsible to maintain law and order in the country. The balance of law and order plays an important role in the country's prosperity and nation development. Unlike surgeons, Judges are also responsible for human lives. A mistake in judgment can cause a human to lose their life or can give freedom to a person who is a threat to everyone.

The salary of a Judge ranges from 1,900,000 Tanzanian shilling to 6,200,000 Tanzanian shillings.

College professors

college professor jobs in tanzania

College professors are the most prestigious career currently being practised in Tanzania. The oceans of knowledge and wisdom make it a reputable and well-paying job.

The salary of a College Professor ranges from 1,090,000 Tanzanian shilling to 3,540,000 Tanzanian shillings.



Surgeons are on the top of the list of the highest paying jobs in Tanzania for a valid reason. The nature of the job of surgeons is quite sensitive and delicate. A mistake is not at all acceptable in this profession. Obtaining a doctorate degree is itself a  complex and expensive procedure. Not everyone can obtain a 6 six years degree easily. Surgeons have vast knowledge and understanding of human anatomy, which makes their profession more respectful.

The salary of a Surgeon ranges from 2,250,000 Tanzanian shilling to 7,370,000 Tanzanian shillings.

Marketing Directors


The Marketing directors are responsible to bring revenue to the organization by increasing sales of the product and services. The whole organization depends on the marketing and sales department for revenue generation.

The salary of a Marketing Director ranges from 812,000 Tanzanian shilling to 2,650,000 Tanzanian shillings. 

Chief Executive Officer

An organization's success and failure depend on the Chief Executive Officer of the firm. The extensive experience and knowledge of the Chief Executive officer make him responsible for the organization's outcomes.

The salary of a Chief Executive Officer ranges from 1,260,000 Tanzanian shilling to 4,130,000 Tanzanian shillings.


The lawyer is a very demanded person by an individual and by organizations too. Companies always opt to keep a lawyer in a firm to check legal affairs. A strong and well-aware lawyer can help you get away with a death sentence.

The salary of a lawyer ranges from 1,530,000 Tanzanian shilling to 5,010,000 Tanzanian shillings.

Must read:Most Common Jobs in Tanzania for Foreigners 


Trusting the pilot with the life of hundreds of people on board is a very risky job. Pilots gain experience by solo flights and complete the required flying hours to obtain a license for commercial flights. It is an expensive procedure so later on, they are paid hefty amounts per flight.

The salary of an Aviation person ranges from 902,000 Tanzanian shilling to 2,950,000 Tanzanian shillings.

Must Check: Top 10 Most Common Jobs in Tanzania 

Financial Analyst

A Financial Analyst is a person who advises you to invest your money somewhere to earn profit by observing the market trends. He keeps an eagle's eye and knows when and where to invest and the right time to withdraw or close the deal.

The salary of a Financial Analyst ranges from 1,260,000 Tanzanian shilling to 4,130,000 Tanzanian shillings.


Engineers are the most demanded people in every field in Tanzania. Whether it is an architectural engineer, civil engineer, oil and gas engineer and IT engineer. Tanzania has recently discovered their oil and gas reservoirs. It has attracted a lot of foreign investments. As it has a commercial port in Dar es Salaam, foreign companies have started investments in real estate and trade projects.

The salary of an engineer ranges from 1,350,000 Tanzanian shilling to 4,200,000 Tanzanian shilling


orthodontist jobs in tanzania

Orthodontists are the second highest paying job in medical services. The teeth alignment, teeth straightening, and false teeth implants all of these fall under cosmetic surgery. It is different from basic dentist procedures.
The salary of an Orthodontist ranges from 1,220,000 Tanzanian shilling to 3,980,000 Tanzanian shillings.

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