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Things You Should Never Do When You Get Fired

Several employees fail at their professional journey. As a result, they get fired. Reasons for being fired are various and endless. Whatever is the reason, employees should be ready for this tragic ending and know the things they should not do when they are fired. This article will tell you how to perfectly react to your extermination in a very classy way. Let’s get started.

Expect Professional Ups and Downs:

getting fired

As an employee, you need to keep in mind that your profession is not permanent. You might lose your job for bad behavior, less productivity, or due to the economic situation that obliges some employers to dispense with a group of employees. The hardest situation is when you get fired for no reason. This can be tragic for every employee as you have bills to pay and financial commitments that cannot be covered with the final payment. Instead of falling for drama: How did that happen? Am I going to find a new job again? Cope with the situation and do not treat what happened, as if it was the end of the world. For employers, here is How to Terminate an Employee "The Right Way" Step-by-Step Guide

Do not Over Elaborate the Event

When employees are dismissed from their jobs, they can be in a tough emotional phase  that sometimes pushes them to commit many wrong behaviors. These reactions are recommended to be avoided, because these things have a negative impact on their future later. When losing your job as a fired employee, it is recommended to avoid talking negatively and offensively about your company or former manager, because speaking badly about them can affect you in front of future potential employers. This cannot encourage them to hire you as you will seem like a trouble-maker, immature and exaggerative person.

Do not Make it Go Viral;

don't make it go viral

In addition, many people sometimes fall into the trap of posting their professional problems or complaining to their former bosses on social media. The law cannot protect you by doing so, as your former employer can take legal procedures against your spreading acts. You should also think about your image as a fired employee. Remember that future employers are not attracted to the negative experiences, related to former employers, which may affect their desire to hire you in the future.

Avoid Revenge:

Sometimes fired people get into a state of extreme anger after the decision to dismiss them from work. They find themselves doing some hasty behaviors, in retaliation for the company and its owners, such as engaging in quarrels with colleagues or stealing office equipment, etc. Doing these wrong things can worsen your situation. The best way of revenge is not to give too much importance to your old employer and colleagues. It is therefore recommended to maintain a good relationship with your old company's owners even after you have been fired. Future employers may ask your old employers for some feedback about you and your job performance before deciding to hire them.

Do not Lie about Being Fired in the Past:

When looking for a new job, some job seekers put wrong information in their CVs to impress recruiters. instead of being fired, they can say that they have ended a successful job experience in the previous company. Telling the truth is one of the best things to do at a job interview, as one of the questions can be, why did you leave your previous job? Here, it is recommended to be honest and avoid lying. Explain the side that concerns you, without blaming anyone. Here is How to Identify Fake Candidates in Recruitment?

Don't Doubt Your Abilities

never doubt your abilities

The dismissal may seem to many job seekers, as the end of the world. Some employees become frustrated and suspicious of their abilities. Being fired can be not 100% your fault. You need to be objective in dealing with this dismissal. Being too sensitive about the situation will not make you relieved as a previous employee. It is better to not focus on past experiences and evaluate the dismissal as a  way to determine who you are as a person. So work on developing new skills, seeking better professional opportunities, instead of feeling guilty for losing your old job. Interested in executive jobs? Here is How to Do Executive Job Search - Unlock Game Plan and Tips


Move to another City/Country:

If you feel that being fired in your home town will limit your professional chances and ruin your future, don’t worry. Some fired employees get disparate for renewing their work life, after multiple rejections. The world is a wide place where people can get opportunities anywhere else. So you can apply for a work visa in a welcoming country that doesn’t focus on your work history. You can make a new page in your career path by moving elsewhere in a place where your past cannot chase you.How to Handle Job Rejection in the Best Way

Turn into a Freelancer:

Meanwhile looking for a new job, you can try some online jobs that do not focus on your professional past. You can create your own profile online and offer your services and people can bid on your gigs. You can also try your chance with Fratres; a worldwide job search engine that provides different job offers. A freelancer is less sensitive to judgmental statements, as no one can doubt the ability of a freelancer. So try to work from home by claiming small professional offers. Here is 9 Ways to Build Self-confidence at work

To sum up the whole a fired employee is not the worst potential employee, due to a failed job experience. Success is not a life without failure. It is rather a survival after multiple failures.


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