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The Cheapest Way To Earn Your Free Ticket To Interviews.

Preparing for a job interview is a crucial step in your recruitment. When you get a job interview invitation, you should not treat this meeting as a coffee drink. Keep in mind that a group of candidates are invited and have passed the first selection of the recruitment process. Since your profile seems to match the position, take 5 minutes to learn about the cheapest way to earn your free ticket to employment in Moldova.

Job Interviews in Moldova:

A job interview is among the selective techniques to choose the right candidate. Whether you are a native applicant or a foreigner, passing this oral test will reveal the validity of the information stated in your cover letter. Some professions might include a second meeting to confirm your eligibility for the job. That’s why you need to conduct research and train yourself for the most complicated interview questions to win the job. If you are curious about the best tips that will push you towards professional success, sign up to Fratres. Fratres is a job portal with recent updates about employment in your dream destination. Let's find out about the top affordable ways to get a job in Moldova.

Job Interview Preparation Tips:

 What’s the purpose of a job interview? Obviously, when you apply for a job, you try to persuade recruiters that you are the perfect match. But, in real life thousands of applicants share the same profile. A job interview is a selective way to choose the best profile, negotiate the job details, and make arrangements in the job contract. That’s why it is very important to prepare for your job interview.  Spending twenty minutes the day before the interview preparing for it is not enough to get a job in a country like Moldova.

1.It is Essential to Practice:

practice before coming to the interview

Being comfortable speaking, talking about yourself, selling yourself, being relevant and convincing. All these attitudes can be learned! Practicing will allow you to be more confident on the day of the interview. If you do not practice, you risk finding difficulties in answering certain questions.  The day before you come to your interview, you need to prepare the common job interview questions and practice how to introduce yourself in a professional way.

2. Conduct Research:

Showing that you have done research is important in a job interview. It means that you have interest in the job and you know the details of the whole department, its hierarchy , or interconnected positions. Take your time to know the basic missions of the company and its achievements through the years of operation. Never hesitate to take notes of information that go beyond the job you have applied for. This will be very appreciated by the recruiter, as it shows you are very motivated for the job and for further professional offers within the same field. Here are; 15 QUESTIONS TO ASK BEFORE ACCEPTING A JOB OFFER (2022)

3. Overcome the Lack of Experience as an Entry-level Applicant:

Interviews are very hard for beginner applicants and for new graduates. If you have recently completed your studies, cling to the job by offering subtle reasons for choosing you. Your motivations for the job should revolve around bringing better potential. Don’t give the impression that you are there to learn! Just persuade employers that you will work hard to reach the level and develop new skills.

4. Consider What’s in the Recruiter’s Head :

follow the recruiter's mindset

In order to be effective in your job interview, it is better to understand what the challenges are for recruiters when they interview you. Their purpose is multiple:

  • Meet your future collaborator
  • Check if your profile matches the position
  • have a better opinion of your personality
  • Test your motivation
  • Eliminate some candidates

 During the meeting and based on your answers, recruiters will have:

  • an idea of your understanding of the missions and tasks
  • a decision if the job is right for you
  • hints if the company, the work environment suits you

 5. Analyze the Job Offer:

If you are applying following an advertisement, you must know the latter almost by heart. Take a highlighter and write down the keywords of the offer. Identify the skills required and compare them with what you master in your CV. Analyze what are the expectations of the position, the explicit and implicit qualities that are required for the job. In general, you have done this step before sending your CV and cover letter. But, it is always better to do the same process before coming to a job interview. Take a look at; 18 Important Considerations Before Accepting a Job Offer

6.Know how to Talk about Strengths and Weaknesses:

job interview checklist

Employers will ask you questions about your personality. They will know what irritates you the most, what are your work environment preferences, team work or individual work. They will also ask you about strengths and weaknesses. Please don’t fall for the trap of over perfection and state non-subtle facts about yourself.  When you get a precise idea of the profile sought for the position, you can deduce the strengths and weaknesses that are acceptable for the job.

7. Defend Your Application

If you do not master all the skills set out in the offer, or if you lack experience in relation to what is written, you will have to be ready to justify it in the interview. Don’t underestimate your candidacy and think that you're not for the job. Remember that you have been selected even though your application does not meet all the conditions.

8. Know your CV and Cover Letter by Heart

You must know your CV by heart and anticipate the questions that the recruiter is likely to ask you. If, for example, there is a hole in your CV, you must be able to justify it. If you have declared that you master a programming language, think ahead of an example that can prove it. Put yourself in the shoes of the recruiter: if you received your CV, what strengths and weaknesses would you identify in relation to the position?

9. Prepare your Questions

At the end of the job interview, recruiters will give you the opportunity to ask your questions. At this moment, you should be well prepared and know what to ask. Depending on the job you have applied for, you need to focus your questions on the possibility of career development and what it takes for progression. You can also ask about further benefits the job offers whenever you make some accomplishments.

These were the top 9 ways to win a job interview in Moldova. Follow these guidelines for better professional performance and career success.



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