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Thailand Resume Writing Process Step-by-Step

In order to increase your chances of being selected for a job interview in Thailand, you need to have a well-crafted resume. It is important to put more effort into your resume than other types of writing.

When starting with the resume writing process, one might have to plan ahead. This includes gathering information about your skills and putting yourself in the mind of your potential employer.

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- Understand what you’re applying for.

- Research your prospective employer as well as their needs and culture to figure out what type of company you’re applying for.

- Gather all the necessary paperwork, including résumés, cover letters, transcripts, etc.

- Decide on the appropriate length of your résumé and make sure it is an easy read.

- Make sure that your résumé speaks to your professional experience and personal interests so employers know why they need to

One of the most important aspects of your resume is that it has to be professional and organized. 

Step by Step Thailand Resume Writing Process 

Below is a list of steps that should be taken when beginning a resume writing process:

STEP #1 Choosing the Type of Resume

There are different resume types that you should decide whether you need or not.

Depending on your career, there are different kinds of resumes that may be beneficial for you.

If you're looking for a job in creative industries like graphic design and web design, it is better to create a creative resume. If you're looking for accounting jobs, it is better to create an accounting-oriented resume. If you're looking for a job in the medical industry, your healthcare-oriented resumes should be at the top of the list and so on.

The best way to decide what kind of profile is right is by thinking about what type of work and industry are most relevant to you.

STEP #2 Writing an eye-catching Summary

It is important to make your resume stand out from the crowd. One way to do this is by writing an impressive summary paragraph that grabs the reader's attention. The introduction paragraph can also be used as a hook for an essay about your work experience and why you're different from other candidates.

summary for resume

The introduction paragraph in your Thailand resume should come in at about three sentences with about 20-30 words each sentence. You'll want to create an opening hook, map out what you want to say, and then finish with a call-to-action statement made in imperative tense (in other words, make it sound like something that needs to happen now).

STEP #3 Add a List of Skills

Thailand Resume should be created in a way that it stands out and catches the attention of hiring managers. This means including a section dedicated to your skills is crucial.

Listing some of your skills on your resume is not just good for you but also for the employers. They know they can trust you and know that you are qualified for the job if you have listed some of your skills on it.

Listing any skill on your resume will make it better, however, depending on how much work experience one has, some skills might be irrelevant to an employer. It's important to list relevant skills as well as less relevant ones. For example, if you have 5 years of experience with Photoshop or Illustrator, but not a single year experience with Excel or Word, then those two particular softwares

STEP #4 Create an Enticing Education Section 

As one of the most important fields, education plays an essential role in any resume. Good performance and achievements in the education section are required for getting a good job.

education section in resume of thailand

Students who are about to graduate or have just done so can also use this section to highlight their achievements in education such as academic awards, scholarships, internships and research projects. It is also a great way for students to talk about their extra-curricular activities which they may have participated in while studying.

STEP #5 Mention Awards and Achievements 

It is not unusual to see people bragging on their LinkedIn profiles or resumes about how they received a specific award or achievement. This can sometimes be useful in getting new opportunities, but it is also considered a no-no when it comes to interviews.

To get your resume noticed, it should not be over the top with awards and achievements. You will want to plan ahead and think of ways you could showcase the skills that made you win the award or achieved the achievement.

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STEP #6 Writing About your Personal Interest

When you create a resume, you should mention some personal interest as well. It portrays a person who takes interest in life as well. It could be sports, a netflix series or anything that you prefer. It’s a casual part of your Thailand resume, so you can keep it simple and to-the-point. Mention just basic things and that’s it. Don’t write too much. Four to five are good enough.


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