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Step-by-Step Resume Writing Guide in Egypt

There are certain things that one should keep in mind while applying for a job. Either he or she should have a good and striking resume or CV which is usually a one-to-two-page thumbnail of one’s short-term or long-term work experience, background information and at times experience connected to the current being applied job.

 As it looks very easy and simple in texture as if it does not need much skill or effort. However, there are certain blunders that any professional can make genuinely. Therefore, this succinct piece of article will be useful to write a resume that will be noticeable to the recruiter’s eye and suitably convey your written credentials and information about you. Also, this article will be fruitful to get a suitable job in Egypt.

 Step#01: Choose the standard style for resume

There are three conventional resume styles or formats:

different types of resume in egypt

  1. Chronological (in order)
  2. Functional 
  3. Hybrid (mixed elements in resume)

A hybrid resume is mainly employed by most job hunters as it equally spotlights work experience and skills. On the other hand, either a chronological or functional resume may work beneficially. 

There are some advantages and disadvantages of these standard styles.


It has beneficial that recruiters are aware of this type of resume style. It emphasizes career progression by stressing pertinent job experience. It works well for job hunters who have related experience. On the contrary, it demonstrates spaces in employment and does not give an emphasis to skills and capabilities.

chronological resume in egypt resume writing guide in egypt


It revolves around the aptitudes and potentials of the employer. It cuts back on work experience. It works well for job hunters who have related experience. The least beneficial side of this format is that as it omits work experience, so it is not more desirable to recruiters. 


This format is the best of the previously mentioned two. Also, it is an integration of chronological and functional styles. Since, it focuses equally on skills and experiences that is useful to demonstrate your proficiency and puts a lot of space on credentials, capabilities, and skills. Therefore, a multitude number of job hunters deem it the best. On the other side, it cannot conceal resume spaces.

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Step#02: Form the resume format

Begin your resume with the help of beginning a novel record in your selected phrase processor whether it be MS Word or Google Docs, etc. Afterward, apply the following formats of a resume.

  • Fix ½-1 inch margins on all slides
  • Make sure your webpage is about to US letter length and portrait orientation
  • Select an expert font on your resume along with Arial or Helvetica
  • Adjust your font length between 10 and 12 points
  • If you are starting with a novel record, don’t alter it as this pattern is the default option in the MS Word. 

Step#03: Begin writing a resume with the heading 

Your first name together with the last name

  • Contact number
  • Address or location (City, State, zip code)
  • Email address
  • LinkedIn profile URL

Sometimes job seekers leave behind contact information in this segment. Double-check and make it clear as far as possible for recruiters to contact you for a job interview. 

Each time provide your contact information in your resume and professional Gmail account. Also, always remember that recruiters want local candidates so always give your zip code. 

Step#04: Give a hook to the reader

Provide succinct thumbnail, and one-line details about yourself so it will be the best headline for your resume.

Keywords can be encompassed in the headline. Define it in ten words and capitalize the first letter of each word in the headline.

If you have much job experience, shifting of various careers, and relevant skills and if it is needed then include it chronologically.

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Step#05: Work experience section

The key things a recruiter looks for on a resume, are job titles and companies you worked for. List each job in reverse-chronological order. Each job should have its subheadings that encompass the subsequent details.

  • Company
  • Job location
  • Your job titles
  • Start and end dates
  • Besides, provide it title like “work experience” or “job history.”

Step#06: List relevant skills and keywords

Write your credentials, skills, and job experience pertinent to the job, and also employ keywords that a hiring manager looks for in a candidate. 

Measure or rate your skill level

You are not likely skilled at every skill you list on your resume. Examine this important scale to illustrate how skilled you are in a specific scale: 

  • Beginner: You have some required knowledge. However, you need further training and improvements.
  • Intermediate: You have built yourself strong regarding knowledge but need more practice and guidance.
  • Proficient: You can work independently, efficiently, and effectively. You can communicate with relative fluency when pertaining to languages.
  • Advanced: You have a thorough knowledge, and you can train others.

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Step#07: Education, certifications, and relevant information section

It includes: 

  • Name of Institution
  • Degree
  • School location
  • Years attended (if it is within the last 15 years)
  • GPA (if higher than 3.5)
  • Add any relevant coursework, honors, and certifications if you think it addresses the job.

Step#08: Review the resume

Have a thorough look the last time on your resume for any blunders like format grammar, dates, etc. Save your file in PDF (name+resume) format so that recruiter can easily find yours. 


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