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Seven Ways To Introduce Interviews.

To get the attention of a recruiter, you need a professional CV and a cover letter. But, these documents are not always enough. Bulgarian recruitment is very selective. Many professional fields require meeting and testing the applicant. Here are some tips to optimize your chances of winning the job interview.

Bulgarian Job Interview Preparations

job interviews in Bulgaria

Getting invited for a job interview is a serious event that requires some preparations. Dress-code, language, non-verbal communication; adding to these elements, any applicant should conduct research on the Bulgarian interviewing process. Beyond your professional experiences, Bulgarian recruiters are also selective. that’s why your preparation depends on many features:

-The sector you are applying for: some jobs in Bulgaria require more than a job interview. Take a look at; Find out how to get a job and work in Bulgaria

-The interviewing type/ situation: as an applicant, you should guess or expect your upcoming interview situation. this meeting can take several situations:

  • a panel interview: this means that you will be interviewed by a group of people.
  • a group interview: this means that a group of applicants will be interviewed together in one meeting. This type is used when there are so many applicants for the job.
  • a face-to-face interview: this is one of the classic interviewing methods, where both the interviewer and the applicant meet together. A face-to-face job interview can be remotely conducted through skype or any other means of communication as well.  .

to know the suitable tips for passing a job interview in Bulgaria, sign up to Fratres. Fratres is a job search engine that includes professional guidelines for both experienced and entry-level applicants. Find out; The Latest Trend In Getting Started.

7 tips to take into account for a job interview:

Recruiters are very attentive to details. That’s why, you should focus on the tips that will help you stand out from the crowd. As an applicant, you have to offer a good impression, so that recruiters hire you. you should not neglect any preparation tips, even if you are applying for a temporary job or a part-time job. Here are the 7 tips to consider:

1.Conduct research on the field:

A successful job application requires gathering information about the target profession. You cannot impress recruiters if you don’t know the minimum information on the field, the roles and responsibilities, and the required skills and qualities. You should always know how to reflect this knowledge in your answer and give the impression that you are interested in the job from every front.

2. Know how to introduce yourself:

Even if your CV already contains major information about you, you should know how to represent yourself. Introducing yourself to recruiters should be professional, objective and formal. Do not over introduce yourself and give all your professional details from the very beginning. let recruiters know more about you through the rest of your job interview answers. Here are Ten Questions About Cover Letters You Should Answer Truthfully.

3. Take your time before your final answer:

job interview tips in bulgaria

Even if you previously know and you can expect the common interview questions, try to take your time. You should think before structuring your final answer. Do not show recruiters that you can anticipate their questions. Try to structure realistic answers relevant to the questions. Recruiters can guess the ready-made answers through the way you talk. Being too quick is not a sign of positive preparation.

4. Consider the non-verbal communication:

Your body language can tell a lot about your professional personality. Some professions are based on personal traits such as customer-service jobs, front-office jobs, teaching etc…. you should mind your body language and the way in which you are answering situational questions. Try not to cross your arms, talk in a low voice, or show stress. This non verbal communication can tell a lot about the level of self-confidence as well.

5. Don’t neglect the dress code:


Every country has its professional dress code. In Bulgaria, it is not common to work with casual outfits. certain professions require a level of elegance to represent the industry and the company’s image. That’s why casual clothes and modern outfits are not very appreciated in the professional setting. Remember that applicants are judged at 40 % on appearance, at 35% on answers, and only 25% on body language.

6. Punctuality

Never start your job interview by arriving late. It is very rude in European cultures, especially, Bulgarian to arrive late. try to come 15 minutes before the meeting starts. in case of meeting any difficulties for coming on time, inform recruiters or request rescheduling your job interview.

7. Talking badly about previous professions:

If there is one thing you should never do, is speaking badly about your previous job, or your former colleagues. In case of career change, dismissal, or retirement, it is not proper to justify these events with attacking your previous job. try to justify your departure with professional reasons like not being able to adapt with the rules, or not meeting your professional targets in terms of perks, salary raise, promotions. Even if salary is one of the reasons why you are looking to leave, you will need to legitimize your current career decision with a professional argument other than salary issues.

These were the top 7 points to consider, when preparing for a job interview. Try to be confident and professional in this meeting. Don’t forget to ask any question, especially when the recruiter inquires about them. Know how to conduct a fruitful conversation with your recruiter. In Bulgaria, knowing the official language can be a must in having access to the job market. So, if you are a foreigner know how to improve your  Bulgarian language to successfully communicate with recruiters. 

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