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  • Seven Unbelievable Facts about CVs

Seven Unbelievable Facts about CVs

One out of four human resources managers receives about thousands of CVs for each job offer. 77% of managers are interested in relevant experience, 48% in specific achievements and 41% in skills. In other words, if you want to get a job in Luxembourg, your CV needs to stand out and meet the required standards. Since writing this magical document requires some attention, here are the seven important facts about CVs.

CVs in Luxembourg

CVs in Luxembourg

Are you struggling with writing a good CV? Don't worry. The solution is not copying a ready-made CV from the internet. Every CV is unique and specific. Recruiters are selective. They use an ATS Software to filter out applications. That’s why; various applications are rejected for not being ATS-friendly. The majority of candidates do not realize the main reasons for being rejected. That’s why; Fratres will help you tailor your CV according to the requirements. Fratres is a job portal that can make your CV even more impactful with a few steps. Here are the top seven tips to consider for a CV.

1.Download a Template

If you want to create the perfect CV, you might want to start by writing several drafts. Despite this classic method, various CV builder websites will help you get an idea how your CV will finally look. Crafting your CV will have a clear font, well listed content, and a professional aspect. Creating a plan will help you organize your thoughts and identify what to include in a CV. The chosen CV template should go in accordance with the attached cover letter. A CV in Luxembourg includes:


Contact Information



Work Experience




You can also add your volunteer experience, internships, and hobbies. Don’t overdo the education and the experiences you have. Just start with the recent profession and degree and don’t put temporary or student jobs in your CV. Here are Five Doubts You Should Clarify About Getting Started.

2. Reduce it to One Page

CV length

A recruiter spends an average of 40 seconds checking a CV. This short gaze means to put the necessary information in a CV.  A CV is first read diagonally. That is, the profile should be well written to attract the recruiter’s attention. Adding to a professional template and well listed and accurate information, your CV should not exceed one page. To select the appropriate content that goes well with your current application, conduct research on the workplace environment and culture. From the job offer and its official website you will have a clear vision on the sought-after profiles. This will help you show recruiters that you can better understand the roles and the requirements. These Local Practices In Cover Letters Are So Bizarre That They Will Make Your Jaw Drop!

3. Know What to Put in the Subject Line:

Your electronic CV should have a good file name. Naming the file with the name MY CV will not help you stand out. It keeps you anonymous. Instead, you should try to identify yourself in the name somehow, for example: “YourNameCV.doc” or the “Job title CV”. In the meantime, consider using the most appropriate file format. This is usually specified in the job posting. If not, a Word document is your best choice

4. Include Languages and Computing skills

As a candidate you should master two types of language; the local language that you need for communication and any foreign language required in the job. Regarding the languages ​​section, it will be essential if you are targeting a field with an English aspect, especially if you are working internationally. Here is how to write about your language level: if you only have a few school memories of the language, simply put your level. If you are able to practice the language, but do not have the ability to use it daily for work, you can put “read, write, speak”. If you are very comfortable reading, writing and conversing, indicate “fluent”. The term “bilingual” is reserved for perfect mastery of the language. To validate your language level, indicate in your CV, if you have taken  any of the following tests TOEFL for English, or any foreign language diploma. Concerning computer skills, list the Software that you can use such as Excel, Powerpoint. You don’t have to be a technical applicant to mention computer skills. These skills are essential as computing is integrated in various fields. Take a look  at; Most Effective Ways To Overcome Graduates' Problem.

5. Include The Leisure Section

CVs and important sections

The interest section of the CV may seem trivial and useless. But, this is the only section that reflects your personality. Recruiters may check this section if they are hiring someone for front-office jobs, tourism and hotel jobs.

You can indicate in this section:

  • the sports or activities you do regularly;
  • what you enjoy doing in your free time (reading, cultural outings, cinema, concert, etc.);
  • a particular interest you have in something, a passion;
  • any personal or collective extra-professional achievement;

6. Highlight your Skills

Hard and soft skills are essential in your CV. They allow you to highlight your professional qualities for the job. You can choose between:

-Skills specific to the professional field

-Transferable skills

-Soft skills like communication, leadership, teamwork etc…

in the description of the positions held;

7. Save the CV in the Correct Format

When you submit your CV, you should avoid the Word format. Convert your CV into a PDF format to guarantee that your content will not be rejected by the ATS software. You can also include your photo in a CV, as this will give personal identity to your CV.  

These were the 7 things to consider in preparing your CV for jobs in Luxembourg. These important facts will help your CV stand out and obtain an invitation for a job interview.


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