Remote Job Interview Questions

Getting a job in your comfort zone is the dream of many of you. In recent years, freelancing and home-based occupations have become trending, especially after spreading a pandemic disease. Since the selection process of remote jobs requires a job interview, Fratres will give you the guidelines for preparing for this big event. Let’s get started.

A Remote Job Interview:

remote job interview

Some small-budget companies hire freelance employees to pursue their operations without putting expenses on providing a workplace, materials, and paying electricity and internet bills. We can find this procedure adopted by BPO/ PPO companies. The majority of remote work requires tech skills or typing skills for data entry jobs. The interview depends on the field you have applied to, be it a tech field or just general online work. This article will provide you with general common interview questions that operate in every industry. Let’s get started!

1. How have you reached us?

Employers use this question to know which effective technique works to attract new talents. As they adopt different ways to advertise for their job offers, they want to know which way has led to you.

I have uploaded my CV to Fratres. I always check for new professional updates there. When I found your job advertisement, I read the description, and then I applied for the job.

2. As you are at home, what guarantees us that you are making the tasks and not someone else?

This question is like show me how should I trust you? A job is a mutual commitment. Employers want to know to what extent you are a responsible and loyal person.

I am very confidential about any professional tasks. I cannot assign anybody else to take my role without informing you. Because once this person ruins everything or makes a mistake, it is me who is going to bear it all. If I feel sick or have some personal matters, I will inform you or send you a letter. I will not do anything without your consent.

3. What will be your schedule for this work? Does jet lag affect your productivity?

remote job interview question on flexibility

This question is to see how you can meet the deadline or work from a remote country with different timing. Your answer involves time-management skills and ways to prove that you can handle your time-table.

I am a very organized person. I developed this quality out of using mobile applications. I have a task organizer on my phone. I set my daily tasks and tick them. I also use online reminders, and I use my small copybook to note the day's recent gains. Concerning jetlag, I am not a morning person, to be honest. It doesn’t bother me to negotiate with clients at 2 am. I am a flexible and reliable person. I can quickly adapt to the time change and keep my enthusiasm until my duties. What matters for me is a success because I reward myself at the end of each achievement. Take a look at the best schedule for remote work. 

4. Would you continue working with us, even if you find a similar job opportunity that requires daily attendance at the workplace:

This job is to test your love for home-based work. Employers want to see what do you prefer freelancing or a job?

I am an introverted person. I cannot feel comfortable being surrounded by people in the same location. Of course, I will continue working with you no matter the circumstances. You can see that once you hire me.

5. What was the best home-based experience you have had?

strengths and weaknesses

Employers always inquire about previous experience. That’s why a candidate should be experienced in narrating the transferable skills he/she has previously learned.

My best previous work experience was as a blogger for an advisor website. It was an exciting work experience in which I have learned many skills. I had to write compelling articles, learn the requirements of many industries, and improve my linguistics and writing skills. This experience granted me job satisfaction and made me more self-confident, as I previously was rejected by many similar jobs.

6. What was the worst work experience you have ever had?

Again employers investigate previous negative work experience to know about your weakness. They also want to know about your failure.

My worst job experience was as a transcriptionist. I applied for that job after submitting a typing test. I didn’t know that this job requires a lot of concentration, proficiency in the field in which I am converting the audio into written material. Little do I know that this job is based on fast typing skills and advanced knowledge. Supervisors did not tolerate my typing errors, even if I was delivering work on time. They didn’t pay me, even though I was putting a lot of effort into this work. They said that they were not satisfied with the level and the quality of my work. That’s why it was a bad experience.

7. What is your ideal home-office setup?

This question is to see whether you have the necessary equipment for home-based jobs or not.

My ideal home-office setup includes a laptop, a Smartphone, an internet connection, and a coffee machine. These are the necessary setup for me to make me work with ease and productivity.

These were the seven most prevalent remote job interview questions. Remember that employers always focus on time-management skills, confidentiality, flexibility, availability, and adaptability. You might encounter some specific questions targeting the field you have applied for. 


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