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Part-time vs Full-time Employees

Do you want to work full-time or part-time? Or do you want some tips to balance life and work? What is the drawing line between full-time and part-time jobs? All these questions will be answered in today's article.

How Many Hours Should I Work in General?

how many hours should i work in general

Each professional field can specify the amounts of hours to distinguish between part-time and full-time employment, payment, and benefits purposes. But if employers want to set these differences in their job offer, they need to know the different laws that determine part-time and full-time status, and how these laws may affect their businesses.

In recent years, there are changes concerning workers' needs and recruitment, including the different working hours. These changes have created ways to suggest many options for the labor market requirements, such as time and space, and opening the path for the name of part-time jobs. But, the question is, what is the difference between part-time and full-time work? Do companies need it?

The constant professional custom is that companies usually offer full-time. It is essential for a company to hire a limited number of employees that operate from 9 to5. But, with this recent pandemic disease, there are attempts to reduce the working hours and breaks. Companies may change in size. But, they will not wholly mitigate their productivity; even with part-time work they are forced to keep up with the circumstances.

For example, employers can assign a specified number of hours per week on a full-time basis to provide healthcare benefits to employees. In many companies, full-time employees receive additional benefits, while part-time employees do not. To understand the differences between these professional procedures, let's look at the different employees' situations.

Who is a Full-time Employee?

A full-time employee is a person working at a rate of 40 hours per week. The working hours are specified by the labor law and approved by the state. Both full-time work and part-time work within the company are controlled under specific legal conditions. A full-time employee has usually signed a contract that includes work, benefits, and perks and rules. Each organization should not exceed the law's rate so that it does not violate the labor law. Take a look at Understand The Types of Employment Contracts in the UK

Who is a Part-time Employee?

A part-time employee is an employee who works fewer hours than a full-time employee. This person can be a student, a mom, a retiree. Whatever the situation, a part-time employee does not enjoy all the privileges of a full-time employee, either in terms of insurance or through the received compensations, in terms of leave, or holidays.

The Difference between Full-time and Part-time Work:

the difference between full-time and part-time employees

The differences between these working systems are not time-related. When applicants choose between full-time or part-time, they need to know that there are entirely different terms and conditions other than time. Here is what they should expect:

The Company's Size

Large companies need to hire full-time employees, while small companies rely more on hiring part-time employees. The reason is the lack of capital, and the amount of work required of them is less than larger companies. Small companies are first looking for savings expenses to avoid the financial budgets spent on the employee from insurance and paid leave and others.

The Roles within the Company

If the company is small, then it will not need a full-time employee, as the tasks required will not be time-consuming or many. Some jobs do not need the employee's presence in the workplace. Attendance depends on completing the work by moving the markets or through the phone, or the home online.

The Nature of Work

nature of work for employees

The nature of work and the specialization determine the nature of the employees. So when working in a software design company, the complete confidentiality of the information provided is essential to protect the project entirely. That's why a single role should be assigned to a full-time employee rather than shared between two part-time employees. The need here is to control the presence of full-time employees so that the work is protected. Employees who are in the details of the project are relied upon.

Pros and Cons of Part-time Employment:

Part-time employment can be a source of income for people who are not available. Despite this flexible quality, there are some issues related to part-time work.

-Lower cost: Hiring a part-time employee is characterized by providing many financial returns to the company. When hiring full-time employees, employers should allocate extra expenses, such as health insurance, pensions, and vacations.

-No permanent job: When a company hires part-time employees, it is easy to change or hire others, mostly when part-time employment is ruled by flexible commitment. Employers can inform part-time employees that they are temporarily hired. We always find that the part-time category is from students and people who have obligations that prevent them from working in companies. How to Get Success in Life and Career ?

-Reducing the burden on full-time employees: part-time employees can be a solution to reduce the work pressures imposed on full-time employees. Sometimes in large companies, a full-time employee will not be able to complete on time, and therefore distribute the tasks to other part-time employees for a certain period until the work is completed.

-Salaries: Another distinction between part-time and full-time workers is that they may be paid different wages - salaries per hour. Some full-time employees can be paid, while part-time wages are paid on an hourly basis. You may also read; What is meant by Salaried Employees? Exempt and Nonexempt Employees?

These were the differences between part-time and full-time employment, including the reasons for implementing each of them. 


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