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Mistakes to Avoid in Interview - Don’t Do 11 Things on Your Next Job Interview

Interviewing is the process of asking a person questions in order to assess their suitability for a particular job. It is an important part of many job applications and is often used as a basis for making hiring decisions.

It can be nerve-racking and intimidating, but there are some mistakes that you should avoid and things not to do during an interview.

Mistakes to avoid in an interview include not showing up on time, not telling the interviewer about a past work experience, and not answering questions.

There are many things you should avoid saying in an interview. For example, it is important that you do not say anything negative about your previous employer or your current employer. You should also try to avoid saying anything that you would regret later on such as bragging about how much money you make or how much time you spend playing video games.

Don't:Ask about salary in the first five minutes

You will sound super greedy. Yes, they will pay you but don’t bring it up quickly. Wait until the final note.

Don’t Talk about your personal life during an interview

You can’t be friendly with an interviewer. You are on an interview for solely professional reasons, so stick to your professional stories only.

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Don’t Wear something too casual or too flashy

It might seem like a personal choice what to wear but it’s not. You need to impress with appropriate dress on your interview. So, please dress carefully. No dressing appropriately for the job is a big mistake, avoid it at any cost.

Don’t give too much detail about your past work experience

Your answer should be quick and simple. Don’t provide too many details. It might seem like a good story at first but time is valuable. Don’t waste it.

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Don’t Go to interview unprepared

Interviewing is a skill that requires practice and experience. It can be intimidating if you don't know what to expect or how to prepare for it.You will need to do your research about the company before you go for the interview. This includes asking friends who work there, looking up their website, and reading company reviews on Google.

The most important thing is to be confident in your skills and knowledge.Interviewing is not a cakewalk. There are a lot of things that you can do to improve your chances of getting the job.

mistakes to avoid in a job interview

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Don't wear too much makeup or perfume. 

It won’t leave any good impression as you intend. Too much of anything is bad or simply a poison that you don’t want on your job interview in the Philippines.

Don't wear dirty clothes and shoes.

 It will impact your impression and make your interviewer uneary. No one likes to hire a dirty employee. Think it through please. You need to wear clean and sleek clothes, shoes and accessories to impress your interviewer.

Don't have a bad attitude

No matter how bad you are feeling or how problematic your life is, you can’t give up on yourself. You need to keep it all together. Put a smile on your face and don’t be rude with your interviewer.

interview mistakes don't do this in Philippines job interview

Don’t Show up late for the interview

It shows that you are unprofessional and don't care about other people's time. You can’t afford to make such a bad impression on your job interview.

Don’t Be too friendly with the interviewer 

Confidence is good but overconfidence is never a good thing. Don't give them any space. Smile but don’t laugh. Many times people crack jokes in an interview. They try to keep it light, which is another job interview mistake. Interviewers need someone who is serious, they don’t need a comedian. So, you need to tell them that you are pretty serious about this job

Wrap Up

A job interview is a big thing, we all get nervous and do some stupid things but I have highlighted 11 things that you need to avoid at any cost. It’s because interview isn’t just about what you answer but also how you shake your hands, your body language, and the way you behave. Your whole persona is under radar, so you need to be a bit careful.


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