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Learn The Truth About Interviews In The Next 60 Seconds.

A job interview is a way to select and filter out candidates with equal professional qualities. Recruiters employ this method to make the final hiring decision. What makes you succeed in this meeting? Let’s find the dos and don’ts in a Russian job interview:

Job Interviews in Russia:

job interviews in Russia

To make a hiring decision, employers usually rely on interviewing candidates. This method will help them evaluate and select final applicants. In every professional field, a CV is not the only source for choosing the final applicants. That’s why a job interview can be among the selective ways that help recruiters verify the validity of what is written in CVs and cover letters. In Russia, there is no single rule in conducting this interview. Some professions might include a second interview, as it is part of their recruiting system. Whether you are going to be interviewed for the first time or for multiple times, you should go through a set of preparations that help you become the final applicant. If you are wondering about the Russian interviewing etiquettes, here is an article that will boost your chances of being selected. For further career tips, sign up to Fratres, as Fratres is a website that will structure your professional future on international level.

1.Have a Full Map of the Meeting: 

What are you going to talk about in a job interview? This is one of the common questions that many applicants are wondering about. A job interview is mainly revolving around these topics:

 -Your professional profile: introducing yourself, your strengths and weaknesses and what interests you in the job

-Your knowledge of the field: what do you know about the work environment, the tasks, and the professional demands of the job?

-Your motives and potential contributions to the field: what makes you a perfect candidate, where do you see yourself in the upcoming year, what is your salary expectation?

These were the main three parts of a Russian job interview.

2.Prepare the Answers of Common interview Questions:

Whatever is your position and the job interviewing method, there are always common interview questions that recruiters cannot dispense with. As a candidate, you should have prepared the main answers of these common questions to have a confident response. You can also try to structure your own different answers and stay away from repetitive clichés.

3. Conduct Research: 

conduct research

It is essential to gather the necessary information before you come to the interview. Showing knowledge of the field can be a plus in your interview performance, as it gives the impression of more interest from your side. These gathered information can help you generate specific answers and sound more expressive. Here is Russian business culture

4. Prepare your Toolkits and your Professional Attire:

Whatever is the type of your job interview, you should always go through the necessary preparations to make the communication easy between you and the hiring managers. You start first by providing the necessary professional attire that goes well with the meeting. You should also prepare the necessary tool kits in case of conducting a remote interview. Here are 5 Essential Items to Bring to an Interview

5. Punctuality:

Being on time always offers a good impression. Punctuality is among the winning keys of a job interview, despite the ability of recruiters to tolerate late arrival. In Russia, it is essential to reach the meeting place 15 minutes before the interview starts..

6. Watch the Body Language:

A job interview is not a robotic exchange of questions and answers. There must be an interactive dialogue, where you can give life to meetings. Body language is among the interesting points that make the conversation with you more interesting. To provide a professional body language, you need to employ the following tips: 

-Smiling: a smile always offers a friendly, positive, and confident impression. Try to smile when you talk about your motivations for the job or previous achievements.

-Posture: sitting in front of recruiters can tell a lot about your personality. Your posture should reflect energy, interest, and motivation for the job. Do not cross your arms while talking and avoiding looking for your watch.

-eye contact:  eyes should speak during your job interview. Try to look at your interviewer in a confident way. Train yourself to have sustained eye contact with your interviewer, even if you have  a shy and introverted personality.

-Voice: Your voice reflects your communicative skills. The way you answer the interview questions shows not only your language competencies but also your ability to negotiate.

7. Prepare your Question:

prepare your questions

It is always expected that the interviewing process shifts towards you. Recruiters are always curious about your inquiries about the job. Once they suggest you know your question, you should not finalize the meeting by saying that you have no questions. Preparing your final questions creates an interactive atmosphere and shows that this position matters for you. 

8. Follow-up: 

After completing the interview, send a follow up mail to the company or recruiters thanking them for meeting and reminding them of you. Write a brief email be it in Russian or English and make sure to send it once and not multiple times. This email will make recruiters consider your application and contact you again to further discuss the job.

9. Second Job Interview Preparation: 

You can expect a second job interview, depending on the professional scheme of the chosen career. You can expect this meeting after a few days of the first one. Since many applicants are wondering how long they should wait for the second interview, the estimated period should not exceed 5 days. If a week passed without reaching out from employers, this means it’s time to consider another application.

These were the top 9 interesting tips for job interview preparations in Russia. These guidelines are suitable for any applicant and any target position. The main winning key for a job interview is to focus on the question and take 2 minutes to respond for each one. 


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