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  • Learn From These Mistakes Before You Learn CV.

Learn From These Mistakes Before You Learn CV.

Nobody is perfect when it comes to job applications. Everyone is prone to mistakes. Even most experienced professionals are not dispensed with mistakes. That’s why HR managers and employers find errors in CVs and reject the application of many skilled candidates. Instead of questioning why you were rejected, think about your CV. This document deserves some adjustments to match the job and the Lithuanian standards. Here are the main mistakes you should learn before submitting your CV.

CVs in Lithuanian Standards:

cvs in Lithuania

Employers receive piles of CVs to process every day. Many recruiters operate a first filter by elimination. So what are the crippling mistakes to avoid at all costs in your CV? Many companies recruit dozens of people every year in a variety of roles, from tech to sales, from marketing to support functions. Despite these different positions, there are some common errors that recruiters spot in CVs. That’s why Fratres suggests some solutions to fix the problem! Fratres is a job portal that will help you increase the chances of your recruitment in any place in the world. Since every recruitment starts with a CV. Let’s learn the common mistakes to avoid. Here are ATS-friendly CV templates

1.Inaccurate or Poorly organized Contact Information:

This mistake is so dangerous that means you won't be called back. It is essential that the recruiter who wants to contact you does not have to search long to find your number or your email. If the information is missing or poorly arranged, for example, hidden at the bottom of the CV, you can not reach the job interview stage.

-Highlight your contact information: e-mail and telephone are the main information that the recruiter wants to know. Your residence address is not important. Contact information must therefore be clearly visible at the top of the CV.

-Do not forget the telephone prefix of the country: if it is an international recruitment, specify from which country you are, even through sharing your whatsapp number

2. Putting too much Information on more than a Single Page:

too much information in aCV

This is the common error that discourages recruiters. A Lithuanian CV should not over pass a single page. It is a two-column page that includes all the necessary details for a job application. Maybe you've done a lot of things during your career. But, is it really strategic to mention them in a CV? It is better to save these details to your cover letter. A CV is a presentation of your skills and experiences. You should not overload the page with student jobs, internships disconnected with the chosen field. Better to select information and experiences that make sense for the position you are applying for. Have you been working for more than 5 years? You can remove from your CV, your high school and odd student jobs, especially if they have no connection with the current field. Take a look at; Ten Unconventional Knowledge About Graduates That You Can't Learn From Books.

3. Typing Mistakes that Discredit you

A spelling or grammatical error, a double space or a typing error, all can be seen at once glance. With all these automatic correction tools, and today’s CV builders, it is not tolerated to see these mistakes. A CV with poor spelling can be eliminatory in an application, especially if it is for a position that includes writing or typing.  It is better to proofread your CV to avoid mistakes that could be interpreted as a lack of time and attention invested in this application!

3. Not Following the Europass Format

Take care of the details, especially in listing the occupied positions. Many applicants start with the oldest job experience moving to the recent one. A CV always demands recent achievement. That chronological order is not adopted in listing work experience and education. Employers are not interested in knowing where you have been 10 years ago!  By following the wrong format, your CV betrays your qualities of writing, synthesis, presentation, organization, etc. You can Download Lithuania CV Template for Free

4. Copy-pasted, not relevant CV:

Of course, most of the time, you don't apply for a single job. Many applicants rely on the same CV for every application, which is a wrong choice. The right situation is for each application, it is still very important to personalize your CV well. A classic mistake that easily disqualifies you is forgetting to specify the subject of your application via a clear title and in accordance with the position for which you are applying. Every personalized CV includes the key words that reflect compatibility with the target job

5. Not Inserting the Job Title

the job title in a CV

The title at the top of the CV highlights your professional prospect. A random CV can reflect a real lack of motivation for a job. Sometimes CVs are submitted for a position that is not aligned at all with what they have in the job offer. This inevitably raises the question: why did they apply to us if they are looking for a job in another field? Putting the Job title at the top of the CV will help recruiters filter out the application, especially when the same company will recruit distinct and various profiles. The recruiter is looking for consistency between your background and this new professional project, so it is up to you to show him that you are not applying by chance.

6. Inserting a Photo:

in Lithuanian CV a photo is not a must. If you do not have a professional photo of yourself, you can submit a CV without a photo. Some people think that a photo can be discriminating,. that’s why, there is no obligation in inserting your photo in a CV.

These were the top 6 mistakes that you should learn before submitting your CV. Remember that your CV should be ATS friendly and can be converted into a PDF format.



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