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Know All About Different Types of Resumes in Colombia

A resume is a document that contains information about the person’s background, education, experience and skills. It is used to get an overview of the person’s professional career.

It is the document that describes the attributes of a person. It is an important part of the resume and it has to be as detailed as possible.It is one of the most essential documents for almost every job. It is a document that should be filled with relevant information about the person and their skills. 

But do you know that there are many different kinds of resumes in Colombia?

different kinds of resumes in colombia

Types of Resumes in Colombia

Different types of CV are used for different purposes. One of the most common types is a Standard CV which is used to fill in the blank spaces in a resume.

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Another common type is an Academic CV which is used to fill in the gaps in a degree or certificate. This type of CV is often useful when you don't have enough information about something and need to research it further.

A third common type is an Expert CV which refers to your skills, knowledge and experience that you can offer potential employers or clients as they might be looking for talent. This kind of CV can be useful when you need to sell yourself as an expert on something or provide more details about your expertise, knowledge and experience.

The purpose of these CVs varies from one company to another.

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Functional resume

functional resume in colombia

It  is a document that gives an overview of the skills and experience of the person. It also lists their education, work history, awards and achievements.

They are usually written in a way that allows easy access to the information on this document. The main thing that they need to do is to be able to show what they know and how they know it. They should also be able to present themselves in a way that makes them stand out from other candidates with similar qualifications.

This resume template  provides information about the skills, abilities and experience of the candidate.

A resume is a document that tells how you achieved your current position and what you did to get there. A functional resume is one that describes your skills and achievements, but does not necessarily tell the reader who you are or what you do.

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A Targeted resume

It  is one that has the potential to get a certain job.A targeted resume is one that is specifically created for the person who needs it. It will be more detailed and specific than an average resume and will reflect the interests of the person applying for a particular job.

It has been described as a "short term" resume, which is used to get a candidate hired in a short time frame. This type of resume will be designed to highlight specific skills and experience that are important to the employer. 

They have been around for a while. They are still useful to get a good idea of the skills that you need to have and the background of your potential employer.

Chronological Resume

It  is a resume that is used to show the chronological order of events in an applicant’s life. It is a resume template that shows the order in which different events took place.This resume format  has been in use for decades. It is a good way to showcase the achievements of an individual over time.

A chronological resume is a resume that shows a person’s progression from one job to another. It shows the person’s career path and achievements. Chronological resumes are usually used for people who have been employed for long periods of time.

Combination Resume 

It is a resume that combines two or more skills into one. It was created by combining the skills of a writer, copywriter and a photographer. It combines the skills and experience of two or more people. It can be used to fill in the gaps between candidates’ resumes and help them to stand out from the competition. The reason for this combination is to impress the recruiter in every possible way.

What Type of Resume Do You Need to Use in Colombia?

Standard resumes work all the time, but when you want to impress your clients, go with either functional or combination one. Also, research about your industry, try to find out what resume will be prefered by your potential employer. The next thing you need to do is to get a perfect template for specific type and start using it for your next job application.


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