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Know All About Colombia Work Life

Colombia is one of the most attractive countries in Latin America due to its diverse landscape, varied cultures and natural attractions.

Despite its appeal, Colombia's work environment has been marred by limitations that have made it unattractive for many people who want to work there. The country boasts of a GDP per capita of USD 21,000 but the average income for Colombian workers is only USD 633 per capita. This puts a lot of pressure on an individual who wants to get better opportunities and live a quality life.

In Colombia, the quality of work life is something that is still in progress. There are only a few studies that have been conducted in regards to the quality of life in company culture, and none of them have found any evidence to support the quality of work life.

Discover; Jobs in Colombia for Expats 

Quality of work life was not a phenomenon that seemed to be on anybody’s radar until it became apparent in recent years. The long-standing problem with working abroad has been one that many businesses addressed by investing heavily into creating a better work environment for their employees, but this has not always led to tangible results.

Work life Challenges in Colombia

There are many challenges living and working in Colombia. Despite the country's abundant natural resources, it remains one of the poorest nations on Earth with a GDP per capita lower than Haiti, according to the World Bank.

One challenge is that there is no social welfare system to provide for the people in need, which includes provisions for health care and housing. The problems also extend to a cultural level where there is an emphasis on personal success and achievement.

There are however many opportunities available that can overcome these obstacles. The cost of living has reduced as well as standards of living have improved in recent years, making it easier for people to find some measure of comfort.

In this section, we will discuss some of the challenges that Colombia faces as an emerging nation and how these challenges affect the worklife.

Must read: Jobs in Colombia for English Speakers 

Some of the challenges that Colombia faces are corruption, social inequality, and weak state institutions. It is a developing country that relies on volatile oil revenues.

The worklife in Colombia is not easy because of social inequality and weak state institutions.

Social Inequality at Colombia Workplace

social inequality in colombia

It is a common phenomenon that social inequality in Colombia at the workplace exists.

There are three levels of social inequality:

- Internal, which manifests itself in an imbalance of power between individuals or groups, and is based on gender, race, ethnicity, and age;

- External, which refers to the degree to which people are allowed to access the society’s institutions (such as education), and is based on health status, economic or educational background;

- Global inequality where those in developing nations would struggle with their lives because of lack of access to resources.

Weak State Institutions

weak government and work life in colombia

The weak state institutions in Colombia at workplace can be attributed to the country's history of conflict and its highly power institutional hierarchy. The lack of stable institutions have resulted in social unrest, corruption, and a strong economy that has not been translated into political stability. Additionally, the government has proven to be ineffective in providing benefits or tackling unemployment.

In Colombia, this phenomenon can be seen as an outcome of insufficient public investments into the country's infrastructures following decades of conflict.

In Colombia, people often work at their convenience and with very limited resources.

Colombia has a tremendous workforce that generates many goods but has low productivity levels due to lack of state institutions that could provide guidance to businesses on how they can become more productive

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