Israel Job Interview Guide

In this uncertain scenario, getting an interview call after submitting an application is a blessing for a candidate. Since competition is too much competition, you don't want to miss this golden chance. Since you need to do it right, here is Israeli job interview guide. It would help you land on a job or at least get a job offer for your employer. 

Interview Process

If you get selected for a job, you will get an interview call. Given the pandemic situation, you won't have to opt for a face-to-face interview. Thereby, the main interview will be on Skype or another video platform. 

A recruiting manager will check your resume, and if you pass the screening tests, then he will make you a call. A short discussion will be held on the phone. It might not be much, but you should show your professional attitude and interest for the job on a call as well.

Types of Interview

Depending on a job you apply for, different kinds of interviews will be conducted. Normally, you need to sit with the hiring manager and give answers to questions like what you do and what your life goals are. It's good to prepare yourself for an interview by looking into common interview questions.

In case you apply for a managerial position, you will have to deal with the senior management team. They want to assess your management skills and want to know whether you are a good fit for overall company management or not.

Sometimes, the format of the interview is where you and the interviewer will be there. However, panel settings are common with top positions. You need to expect questions from different individuals. 

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Case interview is a kind of job Interview in Israel where you will get a case or scenario. For passing this kind of job interview successfully, you need to create the plan as per scenario.

How Long will it take?

The time between interview and final selection will vary from one company to another. Basically, it depends on the number of applications. When a recruiter receives too many applications for a job, it will take a long time to process it all. 

Some companies opt for multiple sessions. It means you can't expect a job offer unless you go through more than one virtual job interview.

Tips for passing Virtual Job Interview In Israel

As I mentioned before, a hiring manager won't ask you to come visit his office. You need to get ready for a virtual job interview. Here are some tips that would help you pass it successfully.

israel virtual job interview tips

Perform a Test

Since you will do it completely online, you need to check your devices such as computer, internet, microphone, and camera. Everything should work perfectly. You can't afford a distortion or distraction in the middle of your interview. Performing a test will give you peace of mind that everything will work as per your expectations.

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You need to choose a peaceful place. Background noise will create problems. Switch off your TV and radio. Anything that contributes to noise will create problems. Also, you need to put your phone on silent so that its ringtone won't disturb you. 

It's good to select a plain wall for a job interview. Don't opt for a wall that can create distortion. If your wall has some distraction element, you need to blur your camera background before going live on a video interview.

Dress up

Although you will attend a Virtual job interview in Israel, but it doesn't mean you won't have to focus on your attire. You need to look as professional as you can. It means picking a nice dress for an interview. Don't go with casual attire.Select something formal for a job interview.

Body Language

When you opt for a virtual job interview, your body language matters the most. Don't stare at the camera but try to maintain eye contact.

body language interview in israel

Review Time

Look at your resume and cover letter. Give job ads a good read. The purpose of this review is to refresh your memory. Employer will ask questions about your resume and letter, so you better read to get a clear picture. You should understand what an employer wants from you. When you check a job ad, it will mention details of job descriptions and other requirements. 

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Interview Prep

During interview preparation, you should prepare answers to common job interview questions. Also, research a little about the company. Some employers have a habit of asking questions about company strategies, current situations, etc. Read news and keep yourself updated with the latest happenings of a company. 

Wrap up

Finally, you have got a clear idea about a virtual job interview. It is important that you keep yourself ready. Showing your confidence is vital during an interview. Don’t fret too much. Try to keep it all together, if you really want to set an impression.

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