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  • Is Writing a Cover Letter Effective for getting a job in Qatar?

Is Writing a Cover Letter Effective for getting a job in Qatar?

The Qatar recruitment system requires a set of documents. Applicants should submit them to increase the chances of being selected. Although a CV is on the top of the candidate must-haves, a cover letter remains an essential element in completing all the application stages. This writing task can help you stand out from the crowd and reach out to employers. If you want to know how to write the best cover letter for Qatar jobs, keep reading this article and follow the guidelines.

A Cover Letter for Qatar jobs:

cover letter guidelines

The purpose of a cover letter is to explain your interest in the job and your intention to meet recruiters in a job interview. This letter is usually attached with a CV. It includes further details about your skills and qualifications. Applicants who think that this task is a mission impossible, it’s time to join Fratres to learn the best tips for writing a cover letter.

1.Personalize your Letter with a Template:

We are in 2021. There are thousands of letter templates and themes. So, your first step is to avoid conformity, readymade material, and copied content. Your letter should be personalized according to the position and to the accompanying CV. Always remember that you are applying for a specific field with thousands of competitors. So, never employ identical letters to multiple recruiters. You may also read; How to Write a Resume for Qatar Airways Cabin Crew Jobs?

2. The Heading of a Cover Letter:

As with a CV, the cover letter includes certain information. The easiest are at the top, on the left. This section contains your name, phone number, and email. If you know it, you can also add the name of the person to whom your letter is addressed.

3. The Purpose of a Cover Letter :

Similarly to an email, a cover letter includes a subject line to inform recruiters about the major content. You can write the name of the position to which you are applying.

Put it according to your situation, or to what is written in the job offer such as:

  • Applying for an Accountant Assistant
  • Applying for the offer A32

4. A Cover Letter Opening:

opening of a cover letter

This section is about employing an addressing formula to your readers. Specifying the name of the person you are writing to is not recommended, especially if you do not know them. Avoid overly familiar formulas such as Dear Sir / Madam, unless you know the person. According to Qatar culture, a lady’s name should not be revealed in correspondences. You can use this structure instead:

  • To Mrs. (write her last name), job title
  • To Mrs. Aal Haddad, Head of Education Department

For a man, you can write his full name after putting the appropriate designation:

To Mr. Amin Al Bakri, Head of Education Department

5.The Body of your Cover Letter:

Before writing the body, it is essential to remember that the length of a cover letter should never exceed one page. Employers spend a few minutes for each letter, looking for the crucial information related to the job offer. Your mission is to make this reading task guaranteed by providing employers with vital data. Your content is usually a three-paragraph essay.


The first paragraph is a presentation of your professional situation. This paragraph should grab the employer’s attention. It should be brief and enjoyable to motivate employers to read the rest. Here is an example:

My name is ( write your name). I am (put your professional situation; an experienced applicant, an entry-level applicant, a trainee, etc.). I am submitting this letter, with my CV, to apply for a (name of the position), posted in (write the source of the job offer) under the reference number (put the number). After reading the requirements, I would like to inform you that I aspire to join your team through my professional skills and qualities.

2. The Content:

This section includes three paragraphs.

-The first paragraph justifies why you are applying for the job. You can use some hints about your skills and abilities to inform employers that you are the target applicant. Example:

During my internship, I gathered all the necessary skills and practical knowledge related to this position. After reading well about the work environment you ensure in the offer, I felt very friendly with the policies. I am sure to offer a valuable performance for this job.

-In the second paragraph, you can further explain that your candidacy is matching the job requirements. You can focus on what makes you qualified for the job in terms of expertise, skills, and personality. Don’t forget to invite your reader to take a look at your CV. Example:

Learning about the potential tasks, I realized that I am the sought-after profile. This offer coincides with my previous experiences, as I was present in the field since 2016. I shifted from various professional opportunities to develop better communication skills, time management, and leadership. I am glad to announce that my profile meets the listed requirements. The qualities you are looking for are also mentioned in my CV.

-The third paragraph should be dedicated to your future plans and expectations. You can write a few sentences to explain how you will operate in case of obtaining the position.

I submitted my application with the hope of obtaining the job. Once hired, I will stick to the terms and conditions. I will achieve the target from my side and collaborate for the development of the sector.

3.The conclusion

cover letter proofreading

This section is to close your letter in a formal way. Make sure to finalize your letter by thanking your reader for giving attention to you. Don’t forget your expectations to get invited for a job interview, as soon as possible. write a professional closing followed by your name and signature. Example:

I hope that this letter has structured a positive impression on me. I am waiting forward to meeting you in an interview, in which we can further assess this job offer. Please do not forget to contact me through ( put your phone number). Thank you for reading this message.

Kind regards,



 These were the guidelines for writing a cover letter for jobs in Qatar. Do not hesitate to visit Fratres and get more career updates.


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