Is it hard to get a job in Zimbabwe as a Foreigner

Zimbabwe is a universe of marvels, it is the classic example of African beauty. The landlocked country has beautiful tourist spots,  parks and waterfalls. To live and work in Zimbabwe Is quite hard for foreigners. It is a developing country and the opportunities for white-collar jobs are very scarce in Zimbabwe.

jobs in zimbabwe


 The Zimbabwean healthcare projects are owned and operated by the government of Zimbabwe. As compared to other countries in Africa the healthcare system of Zimbabwe is quite poorly managed by the government. The natives and foreigners living in Zimbabwe prefer to work in private organizations as they pay them well.


 The teaching profession is considered to be a better choice among the other options in Zimbabwe. The teachers and professors are paid well by the education system. It is hard to find jobs these days whether you are a native or a foreigner in Zimbabwe. Hunting for a job and keeping a job can be a very tiring thing in Zimbabwe.

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Job Hunting for Foreigners

 Foreigners and natives both face various difficulties in hunting for a job in Zimbabwe like lack of availability of jobs in the private sector, poor management at government organizations, communication barriers for foreigners, low skills and abilities, insufficient or irrelevant qualifications, lack of capabilities and capacities etc. None of the working industry's markets can be filled by semi-talented and incompetent trained professionals, so the companies and local businesses will undoubtedly go looking for people in the local market and foreign market to fill the gaps.

Finding Job is a Challenge in Zimbabwe

 Keep in mind that Zimbabwe is a good place to work but it is very hard to find a suitable job. The increasing crime rate is one of the issues among other issues. Despite political instabilities now the situation is a lot better as compared to decades ago. There are many job opportunities available for foreigners in Zimbabwe. Many organizations are assisting as third-party recruiting firms between the employer and employee in Zimbabwe.

Work Permit is a Requisite

 To work in Zimbabwe legally, foreigners are required to seek work permits through trusted agents working in Zimbabwe. The covid-19 crisis has worsened the economy of many countries including Zimbabwe. Many people were forced to quit their jobs or were kicked out by owners to save the company from bankruptcy. Many people shut down their businesses because of a lack of resources. Now the economy of Zimbabwe is coming back to track and employers have started recruiting again.

 Gaining a work permit in Zimbabwe becomes difficult when foreigners lack skills and education. Working licenses are typically distributed to foreigners working in industries that are short on skilled labour. Following is the list of jobs a foreigner can look forward to applying for in Zimbabwe.


Teaching different languages to native Zimbabweans can be an easy choice job for foreigners. Teachers can work worldwide to teach in language and linguistics centres, schools or institutions. 

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Social Work 

Foreigners can participate in social work or volunteer activities in Zimbabwe. Many organizations in Zimbabwe typically search to hire people as working volunteers for them. United Nations and World Health Organizations often seek people to join them and work on their behalf in different underdeveloped countries. Many organizations working for global causes and with the help of charity associations recruit staff to work in Zimbabwe for connecting people.

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Travelling Agencies 

Many travelling agencies working in Zimbabwe hire foreigners to tackle their international business entertainment. They recruit and train foreigners as their tour guides and staff to lead tourists from different cultures and countries to the best locations in the country for food and entertainment.

Requirements to Work in Zimbabwe 

It is very important to gain a legal Visa and Work Permit to work in Zimbabwe. To gain the visa and work permit a person has to prove that he will be an asset to Zimbabwe and will not be a risk to anyone. On the other hand, a person has to provide proof that he owns a certain set of skills or any professional degree. 

Companies in Zimbabwe typically keep their recruiting open for 365 days of the year only for skilled labour or professionals. To apply for a visa and or work permit a person should be 18 years old or above. The person should be able to speak English or the languages are spoken in Zimbabwe.

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Zimbabwe is a country rich with potential people and industries. The people from different parts and cultures of the world are living in Zimbabwe for more than decades. Those people now represent Zimbabwe as one nation. These people are exceptionally qualified,  skilled and experienced in different fields and they are running governmental and private organizations in the country. There is a huge expectation for the betterment, foreigners and Zimbabwe organizations once these political and economical obstacles are solved.


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