How to Turn Down a Job Interview but Keep the Door Open

In the Career Advice Section of, there are plenty of articles about getting various jobs in Pakistan and preparing for their interviews. This time, we have thought about the opposite situation; when you get a job offer, but you don’t take it. This article is about how to turn an interview without burning bridges, and when you should never turn down a job interview, no matter was the reason.

  1. When to turn down a job interview?

Turning down a job interview depends on many causes and circumstances. It happens that you apply for a job, and when you are about to get interviewed, you reject the offer. This might be explained as follows:

 -The timing of your job interview is not the right time: you probably have other commitments that you cannot postpone them, and unfortunately, they coincide with your job interview.

-You have some health issues.

-Your location is very far from the employment site.

-You were selected for a better job opportunity.

-Discouraging work atmosphere and bad payment.

Many are the causes, which oblige you to decline, but there are some cases in which you should never turn a job interview. Let’s check them together

Comprehensive List of Good and Bad Reasons to Leave the Job

  1. Never Turn a Job Opportunity

never refuse these jobs

You should be consistent in your career. Some jobs are real opportunities and they are worth sacrificing. These are four reasons for never turning down such job interviews:

1.      When this job enables you to get your dream job:

If the job that you are applying to is the perfect match for your dreams, never put it down.

2.      If it is well paid and will set you financially and offers good health care, good retiring and refund your loses:

In Pakistan, there are many companies and institutions paying well and securing health assistance to its employees and a better future after employment. They also take care of you in case of professional accidents and refund for your losses. If you are applying for a job offering these advantages, do not miss the interview.

3.      If it is a job that secures accommodation or transport: 

In Pakistan, some people think that there are many companies that ensure extra services such as catering, accommodation, and transport only for expatriates. However, such services are open for distant employees too. If you find these facilities suitable for you and will enable you to save extra income, never put down such offers.

4.        If it’s a job that offers a quick transition to the next level and doesn’t consume your life inside a square of the same degree

In Pakistan, the transition from one level to another depends on seniority. However, some jobs offer this transition when you succeed at a test. When you manage a project or when you get extra higher studies and add them to your resume or when you get the chance to have a foreign exchange trip. 

If you want to know what kind of jobs that have good payment check this article

8 Best Seasonable Jobs in Pakistan Which Provide Extra Income Source

  1. Things to avoid when you decline a job interview:

things to avoid at declining a job interview   

  • Absence and careless: if you get absent on the interview day or ignore phone calls, this shows your disinterest in the job.  If you act like this, you give a bad impression on you.
  • Getting people’s opinion: people are not a reference for better career advising. Some people are not encouraging. They might make you miss a better job experience by giving you a negative review.

Try to make your rejection smooth so that you don’t lose everything for good.  How to turn down an interview and, at the same time, keep the door open in case you want this job back?

  1. The Art of turning down a job interview     

how to decline a job offer

-Write a thank you letter or email in which you apologize for the offer and in which you request your manager to give a second chance, in case you will be back.

-Propose to work online from home, for a flexible part-time schedule. This suggestion can make good online earning, without burning your bridges. 

-provide a medical document that shows that you have to rest for the present moment and see if your employer can wait for you after your recovery.

-Suggest another applicant get the interview: having a spirit of sharing is very cooperative. If you know someone who is fit for this position, do not hesitate to notify him/her.

If you are going to decline a job interview and you intend to write a letter, these are the steps of writing a sample of job rejection.

  1. Samples of job interview rejection messages

Subject: Interview invitation for [job title] 

Dear [name of person].

Thank you for inviting me on (the date of your job interview) to attend an interview (job title). I really appreciate this offer. However, I apologize for being unable to attend the interview appointment. I am obliged to decline this opportunity for (state your reason). Hope you understand my apologies. I  wish if you notify me again if possible.

Best Regards.

  (Your contact information)

This is a sample message of declining an interview with an invitation of being hired soon.

A job interview declination message by recommending another applicant.

Sample of job interview rejection message:

Subject: Interview invitation for [job title] 

Dear [name of person],

Thank you for inviting me on (the date of your job interview) to attend an interview for (job title). However, I apologize for being unable to attend the interview. I am obliged to decline this job position because of (state your reason). Luckily, there is (state the name of the applicant) who has interesting qualifications and who wants to communicate with you to apply for the same position. Hope you consider my suggestion.

My kind Regards,

  (Your friend’s contact information)

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