How to Start a Career in Cricket in India?

Have you ever wondered is it possible to be that champion, which raises the Indian flag at the end of the match? In every Indian house, a cricket match is a big event that gathers people from different generations. A career in cricket is not easy and not impossible at the same time. If you want to pursue this field, you are in the right place. Fratres reveals to you the secrets that turn your passions into professions. Let’s get started.

cricke careers

1.Start at the Right Age:

Cricket careers require an impressive sports history. You cannot suddenly become a talented cricketer without any previous training. The earlier you work on your cricket training, the better it can be. Many famous cricketers have started by joining school sports clubs. If this activity does not affect your grades, you can join any recognized cricket club and get physically prepared for your future career.

2. Find your Strengths:

All cricketers are not the same. Every cricketer in the playground has his spot and role. Not all of them play the same role. Some cricketers get a defensive place, other central places. You need to find your strengths to know what spot you can occupy during a match. You can get more skills and techniques, provided you develop your strengths and make use of them in matches.

3. Know the Rules:

know the rules

The game of cricket differs from many sports games. You need to know the rules of this game. Once you master all the rules and the techniques of the game, you can reach sports events of higher importance and maybe join the team of your state. 

4. Get the Proper Equipment:

Professional cricketers own proper professional cricket equipment such as a uniform, safety gear, and a helmet. If you want to raise in your sport level, you need to buy these items like pads, gloves, arm guards, shin guards, etc... Try to buy a good quality kit of cricketers so that you can be safe during training.

5. Participate in Sports events or Competitions:

If you have joined a cricket club from the very beginning, you can get the chance to participate in national events and competitions. You can also get ideas about future events or inquire from your coach.

6. Get a Private Coach:

Being passionate about cricket is not enough. Some people invest their money in a private coach, who prepares them for the game. If your parents encourage your intention to be a future cricketer, they will support your dream by providing a private coach for you or enroll you in a recognized cricket academy. Once you reach a right level in training, your coach will nominate you for big matches or tournaments.

7. Attend Live Matches:

The experience of attending a live cricket match differs from watching it on TV. Although it might be a bad experience, if you get in trouble with intolerant fans, it is instead an exciting experience to visualize your future as a potential cricketer.

These were the seven secrets of starting a career as a cricketer. Do you want to know how to start a career in another sport? Check this out;

Everything You Need To Know About Career In Racing 

Now, is it possible to start a career in cricket without physical preparations? Good news for cricket lovers! There are other cricket career options other than a cricketer:

1.An Umpire:

how to become an umpire?

Every game requires a judge to make sure that players follow the rules. An umpire operates on the field to supervise the match and count the scores of each round. If you want to be a cricket judge, you need to be a very objective person, and you need to be very fair when it comes to rules. If you are interested in this career, visit this;

How to Become an Umpire?

2. Ground Curator:

Ground curators or pitch curators are responsible for the player’s surface. They maintain the playground by cutting grass and drawing the lines of the stadium.

3. Cricket Match Commentators:

This job is the favorite for cricket match lovers. It is a job based on sport talkies for people who like to comment, describe the match, and discuss what happened and analyze the performance of players.

4.Content Writer:

You can start a career in writing about crickets on blogs and online magazines. There are many fans of cricket around the world. You can make income out of writing about the topics you like in crickets, provided that you have a vast audience base.

5. A Sports Journalist or Reporter:

Sports journalists attend spot events to broadcast the match. A sports journalist is required in the cricket field to interview the team and the managers.

6. A Member in the Medical Team:

The medical field is necessary to maintain the health of cricketers. It is obvious to hire a medical team in the playground to maintain the injured players. This team includes first aid specialists, physiotherapists, doctors, etc..

7. Cricket Kit Manufacturer:

cricket kit

Providing a special cricket kit does not give exceptional expertise. You need to be an excellent marketer to provide the equipment of the game. 

8. Media Jobs:

Ex- cricketers have become actors, Tv hosts, or even chose a political path. A cricket lover is not excluded from media jobs, especially if he is an ex cricket player, who already has a large set of fans and audience. You can also read;

How to Start a Career in Acting in India?

These were the different careers in the field of cricket. Tell us which career interests you the most, in the comment section. You can choose the job which is close to your skills, talents, and interests. It is imperative to be patient once you decide to be a cricketer as it is a long journey to take.


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