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  • How to Prepare for Different Types of Interview?

How to Prepare for Different Types of Interview?

A job demands a lot to be won. That's why you should be ready for all the steps, from submitting your CV, your cover letter to getting interviewed. In this interview stage, you need to consider all possible scenarios. What are the different types of these interviews, and how should you prepare for them? Here is an article explaining all the upcoming tips to prepare for a job interview no matter how hard, weird and complicated the questions are.

What are the Frequent Types of Job Interviews?

types of job interviews

Whether you are an entry-level applicant or an experienced one, preparation is better than losing the job. Since the big day is approaching, it's essential to make some expectations. Remember that this meeting will reflect your real level, skills, and interest in the job. How would employers make sure that you are the one? If you are interested in the tips and tricks that employers adopt to interview candidates, join Fratres. Usually there are five interview types. Let's find them out!

1.The classic Individual Job Interview

This one is the most common type of job interview. In short, a classic job interview consists of an exchange between two parties:

  •  A recruiter: it can be an HR manager, a hiring manager, an employer, etc..
  • A candidate: it can be a fresh graduate, an entry-level applicant, an experienced employee, an internal candidate etc..Why Is It Hard to Land a Job in Qatar? Check it out!

This interview is a face-to-face meeting, where an interviewer asks questions, and you reply. To prepare for this type, you should be confident and answer according to the questions demands. Here are 5 Questions to Ask from Employer During Interview

2. A Group Interview:

This is one of the collective interviews where two possible settings may happen:

  • A group of interviewers interviewing a single person. This one is usually known as a panel interview.
  • A single interviewer is interviewing a group of applicants.

Some recruiters choose this method to allow them to make a quick selection of candidates. For example, instead of 15 hours for 15 applicants, where each applicant gets one hour, a group interview can be way faster. Employers can take a 5 hours group interview, where each hour consists of interviewing three applicants.

In the opposite case, where a group of recruiters interviewing a single person, this type consists of drawing a collective decision to choose the final hires. In general, a group interview aims to analyze your personality more than your skills and qualifications. The questions will reveal if you can be a team leader, a problem-solver, or a decision-maker. You can prepare for this interview type for jobs where teamwork is a key element, such as sales positions, customer relations, team management positions, etc.

 3.Remote Interview:

phone interview

This type does not require your attendance at the interview site. As it tells from its name, it is done from a good distance. It can be from different states or countries. Remote interviews were essentially adopted during the pandemic disease. There are two types of remote interviews:

  • Telephone Interview: it is a telephone communication between the candidate and the interviewer. This type allows saving time for both parties. For the candidate, it simplifies the task of meeting without moving to the worksite. Some conditions are necessary to undergo this meeting. You should install yourself in an isolated place or in a closed room where no one can interrupt you. It would be best if you were focused on what the other person is telling you. You can cheat since no one is seeing you.
  • Video Interview: this is an audio-visual meeting, where you should prepare a quiet and professional place to meet your interviewer. This type requires a strong internet connection and good electronic devices like a laptop or a head mask. Cheating is not possible in this interview type, as interviewers will see your facial expression and body language. A video call interview applies to freelancers and home-based candidates as well. Here are some tech hacks; 8 Top Interview Softwares For Recording Your Podcast Remotely.

4.Behavioral Interviews:

Behavioral interviews are the best type to evaluate your past experiences. Employers usually make a list of the problematic situations that any candidate faces. They are interested in your reaction and in the ways through which you may overcome the challenges. If you are expecting this interview type, you need to be more explicative, use the STAR approach, and illustrate examples. Behavioral interviews are effective in detecting analytical skills, management skills, and leadership.

5. Unexpected Job Interview:

unexpected interview

This type is known to be unplanned and surprising. You can expect this interview through your phone or just through a quick notification to join for an interview. Unplanned interviews usually happen when your address is near your potential workplace. Employers choose to meet you randomly to see your instant reactions, whether you are ready for the job or able to manage stress. Here are; 5 Reasons Why Candidates Fail to Impress During Interviews

A recruitment process is a fierce race in which you will have to overcome various obstacles, among them job interview types. This article reveals five major interviewing strategies and where to expect them. That's why you need to train yourself to read what is in the recruiter's mind.


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