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How to Pass an Interview Successfully? Follow 15 Easy Tips

Passing an interview successfully is a dream of every other job seeker. Getting an interview call isn't that simple. There is a long process of applying for a job and then getting selected for an interview. Thereby, you want to ensure that everything you do helps you pass the interview successfully. You don't want to miss this golden job opportunity.

Don't feel overwhelmed because if you do, then it will do more harm than good. First of all, take a deep breath and start reading some successful job interview tips. I want to share them one by one.

how to pass job interview successfully

1.Research Interview Questions and Answers

People don't pass an interview successfully because they don't prepare answers for the common interview questions. You need to be well prepared. I suggest you check a list of interview questions related to a particular subject. The more you research, the better idea you will get.

Not just common interview questions, you should have a complete idea of some tough questions like why you are leaving this job, your weaknesses, etc. 

As soon as you get a call, please research all related interview questions and prepare their answers.

2.Do Interview Prep with Friends

Another thing you need to do is practice. Ask your friends or colleagues to ask questions so that you can take the sense of whether you are ready or not. Interview prep takes some time, but it will add a dash of confidence to your life.

interview preparation to pass job interview

3.Eat and Sleep Well Before Interview Day

It's okay to feel pressured or over-stress before a job interview. However, it doesn't mean that you need to stop eating. A good night's sleep will help you maintain focus in the morning. When a person is deprived of sleep, he won't get a complete understanding of what the interviewer is saying. 

Know: How to Sharpen Your thinking skills with Good Night Sleep

After sleep, start your day with a healthy breakfast. Don't leave your home without eating something good. Your body needs energy, and it won't come without breakfast.

4.Listen and Analyze

Whenever an interviewer asks a question, listen to him very carefully and do a quick analysis. What exactly he wants to know about you through this question. Take one minute to think and reflect on both answers and questions. You should know that an interview isn't all about talking. It is also about listening well. 

It's ubiquitous that people focus only on talking and don't think for a minute what exactly the interviewer is saying. They listen to respond, not to understand- you won't have to repeat these interview mistakes. 

Always listen carefully and then prepare an answer after quick analysis - this is how to pass a job interview successfully.

5-Keep Important Things with you

There are some things you need to keep with you before you head to an interview. The first important thing is a resume and its copies. The next thing is a pen and notepad. Keep a copy with you, so if a question related to your resume comes your way, then you don't feel surprised. 

The purpose of keeping a notepad and pen is to take notes during your interview. This action will give the interviewer an idea that you are detail-oriented. Employers like organized people, so you can demonstrate it all by keeping some essential thing in your pocket.

Here are 10 best jobs for Organized people

6.Always Clarify Before Response

Your interview is not a rush-hour game.No no need to reply at speed. You can take all the time you need, keep that in your mind. If the interviewer asks something and doesn't need what he is supposed to mean, then a good approach is to ask a counter-question. Don't give him any response until you are clear about the question. Remember, a wrong answer can turn the table for you, and that's not what you want.

You can pause and wait until an answer is ready. The interviewer won't mind waiting for a few minutes, but don't take too much time to annoy the interview panel.

7. Plan Your Interview Journey 

Waking up late and running toward the interview office will be a big mistake. You need to plan everything from waking up to reaching there. A complete plan will include the time required to reach from your home to office, also add some time where you might be stuck in the traffic. Make sure that you follow this plan entirely. You can pass an interview successfully only when you keep up with every plan you make regarding it. The most important thing is to arrive fifteen minutes early before the interview, so you will have some time to breathe. 

8.Follow Dress Code

Try to blend in by following the dress code. For checking the dress code, you should review the company profile. Check how their professionals wear the suit. What kind of dress and style they are using, try to adopt it. 

The minute you enter the room, the interviewer will look at your dress when he finds out that you are wearing the same outfit as their employees. He would like the fact that you completed your research before even joining their place. Your adaptation will add some positive points.

9.Give Only To-the-Point Answers

Always ready a thoughtful answer to common job interview questions. You can pass a job interview successfully only when you don't annoy the interviewers. The problem with many job seekers is that they try to impress the panel with lots of details. You can make a good impression with to-the-point answers. Adding irrelevant information means wasting time, and this won't look good on your profile. Try to avoid it.

10.Stay Confident

Did the Interviewer ask a question you weren't ready for? In that scenario, you don't need to fret. No matter how challenging the question is, you should not get confused. Sometimes, interviewers put interviews under challenging positions to see how they will react to stressful situations. You should read all about stress job interviews. Try to get a clear picture of what the interviewer wants to know. Maybe he only wants to bring you to a breaking point. So, make sure you keep your confidence intact.

11.Use STAR Technique

You will encounter some behavioral interview questions during a job interview. So, it would help if you prepared some good stories by using the STAR Technique. The interviewer will put you in the situation, define your task and then explain an action you took to bring good results. A good story should include some facts and figures. Here is an example.

Question: Tell us about the time you had to deal with a demanding customer.

Situation-Customer wasn't happy as his product broke down due to mishandling on his part. He wasn't ready to take the responsibility.

Task - Dealing with a customer well. I explained to him what warranty would cover and what we can do about it.

Action - I offered him a free repair service. 

Result: He became happy that the company cares.

Find Out: Hw to Prepare for Behavioral Interview 

12.Ask Questions from Interviewer

If you feel like the interview is going well, you can ask some questions related to the interviewer's job. You can do that at the end of the interview. Sometimes, interviewers ask if you have any questions for me, while other times, you can take the initiative. Either way, you need to prepare some questions to ask. It's how you will pass a job interview successfully.

If you wonder why to ask questions from interviewers, then the answer is it will show your research and interest in the job. Not asking anything means giving the impression that you don't care about the job. 

Do you want this job? Try to portray your interest by asking questions about who will be the right fit for the job and what it takes to become successful in this job role.

13.Keep Proper Check on Your Body Language 

Your body language tells a lot about you. Even when you are feeling anxious or disturbed due to tough questions, play it cool. Keep yourself calm. Maintain proper eye contact with your interviewer, and please nod to show that you are listening correctly. Don't look at your cellphone or wristwatch- this interview mistake might cost you a job offer. Also, don't smile too much. Sometimes, people get confused and talk too much during an interview- try not to do that as well.

Understand body language during interview 

body language during job interview to pass interview

14.Never Show Desperation

I know the job hunt process takes all the energy and time. Sometimes, you can't get a job after months of searching and applying. So, when you get an interview call, you feel like it's your last and only chance to survive in the workplace. Remember, it's not the end of the world. Even when you are desperate, don't show it in any way. Stay cool, confident, and calm.

15. Keep Language and Tone Professional

Even when you know the interviewer in some capacity, please keep the tone professional. you don't need to keep it casual at all. Never use inappropriate slang and words related to race, gender, community, etc.


Finally, you have a complete idea of how to pass a job interview successfully. You need to complete research and do all the preparation. Nothing is worse than going to a job interview without preparation. Confidence is a good thing, but overconfidence can backfire. It would be best if you didn't underestimate other candidates, no matter how qualified and experienced you are for a job. I hope that these tips will help you pass the interview successfully. If you have some other tips, feel free to share.


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