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How to Find Your Career Passion? Figure out Answers to 9 Questions

Many of us spend half a day of our routine life at work. For some people, this time is fulfilling, while others drag themselves toward work only to get a paycheck. If you belong to the second category of people, sooner or later you will leave your job or search for a better job. 

It's common to make a career change at 30 or 40. However, if you find your passion for work in the early stages, you won't have to start from scratch. 

what is your career passion

No matter how amazing the field you pick, you will get an offer of an entry-level job as you won't have any experience.

Whether you are dissatisfied with your current job or in the process of finding your career passion. This post will help you sort this matter out quickly.

Questions that help you Figure out your Career Passion

Here are 8. questions 

1.At what time of the day you feel good or what tasks make you happy?

As soon as you get some free time, sit and reflect. Take an overview of the entire month of your job and then make a list of tasks that make you happy.

 Maybe you like to handle certain problems.

You may like to lead others.

There is a possibility that certain presentations and projects make you excited.

The purpose of this overview is to find an area of interest. Once you know about it, simply find a job related to it.

2. What job role inspires you?

You are working with many other employees. They are handling their jobs, and you might be interested in the specific job role. To get an idea of that role, simply pay attention to the person you become alert to. Another way to find that role is to look into the time when you try to impress a specific person. You respect his work, and you often dream of landing in that specific position- so you can earn the same level of respect and gratitude. 

3.What results satisfy you the most?

This is another way to look into your work life and figure out some results that give you ultimate satisfaction. For example, you lead a team, and when your team puts collective efforts and achieves something, this is a kind of result where your heart feels, "Wow! I have done it." In that scenario, you want to hold a leadership chair.

In another case, you work with the team and feel like others are holding you back. If you do it alone, you can be the real charm. In that scenario, your career passion is a job where you won't have to rely on others. In simple words, check a list of best jobs for introverts as they will satisfy you the most.

4.Where you spend your money the most?

Another way to find your career passion is to check your bills. You might spend too much money on golf lessons or skincare products. You know everything about fitness or sports. If no one knows a field, topic, or sports better than you, trust me, you can excel in that specific field more than other people.

It's okay if a traditional style of 9to5 job doesn't make you happy. You can try great career routes that excite you or let you pursue challenges and career passions happily.

5.When you lost track of time?

One of the best ways to figure out your passion is to know about an activity where you lost track of time. It's because you are so much invested in it and ready to give up on other things for it. This could be a world problem that boils your blood too much that you talk about it nonstop; you post about it on Twitter and other social media platforms.

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Sometimes, you lost track of time while cooking or baking. No matter what satisfies your soul, it would be your ultimate passion for your career.

6. What are your natural skills or strengths?

You learn some skills by enrolling yourself in courses or from your practical field. While other's skills are natural. You might be a critic or a reasonable observer, a persuasive person, or a problem solver. 

find your career passion

Don't know what your career passion is? The simple idea is to follow your natural skill and then look for a job related to this skill.

7. What is a topic for which people seek your input or help?

Sometimes, you are good at some topics or subjects. Your friends, colleagues, or family members come to you for guidance, input, or help. Now next time you need to determine your career passion, you can get its clear idea from that topic. 

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8.What are some things you Like to enjoy?

You need to enjoy your job. So, when it comes to figuring out your work passion, try to look deeply into things you want the most. This way, you would be able to pinpoint some things that excite you and boost your interests. 

9.Can you recall a time when you were so excited because you accomplished something big?

For this purpose, you need to jog a little to your memory lane. We all achieve something. Some projects enhance heart rate, and we brainstorm about them day and night. This level of anxiety shows our deep interest. We need to connect the dots between this interest and your career passion to fulfill job experience.

Wrap up

These are common questions whose answers will help you figure out passion for your career. If nothing helps, you should brainstorm or ask around like your managers, friends, or colleagues. They could be a great help. The purpose of finding your career passion is to feel satisfied and happy at your work. A happy employee is more productive than an unhappy one. You will add value to the company and get rewarded with a bonus and promotion. On top of all, a career you love would help you grow and develop over time. Isn't it what you want?

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