How to Decide About Your Career?

Choosing the right career is one of the critical decisions that change the course of our lives. Our parents have been telling us from childhood that we need to become doctors, lawyers, engineers for a very bright future. As we grow up and find a range of different careers, choosing the right career path becomes a challenging task for many of us.

How to Decide My Career?

how to decide a career?

Many graduates find that their job search journey starts with enthusiasm but suddenly turns into a disappointment, after many repeated attempts to get a job. Your failure to get a career may be due to several factors, including the fact that your personality is not fit for the job or that your skills are not sufficient for success in a particular field.

What Criterions do I need to Adopt for Choosing my Career?

To make this crucial decision, we need to take some time to think, do a self-analysis of ourselves, and gather enough information so that we can have a fulfilling career. So let's take a look at some of the tips that might help you get the right profession :

1- Choose Your Working Style :

You have to evaluate the way you work so that you can determine if you're an entrepreneur, who can start new initiatives, or you're someone who needs a set and structured work environment to do the best. This analysis will help you find out whether you're good at working as a team member or whether you can do individual work.

2- Value Your Talents :

Turning your favorite hobby into your work may be very rewarding. Try to discover your natural talents and skills, so that you can choose the profession that helps you exploit these talents; for example, you can use your love for colors to work as an artist.

3- Set Your Goals:

During job interviews, many employers ask you, "where do you see yourself in 5 years or ten years, from now? This question is to see your plans and goals. If you are an ambitious person, who hopes to own a house, a car, and fleet, and luxury, a small career won't accomplish your goals. Make sure that the occupation you choose will allow you to achieve these goals

4- Using the Self-assessment Tests :

career assessement test

There are a lot of online tests that would help you determine what's the right job for you. Through them, you can analyze the requirements for each job online. You can also find some online quiz to evaluate yourself. Let's try an aptitude test from here;

Career test - Free online aptitude test 

5- Be Patient :

Indeed, you should not expect to land on top of your dream job or the field you wish to work in right away. Selecting the right career is a time-consuming process, so you have to be patient and take your time to discover your best choices.

Now let's discover the best tips for career path planning: The following section includes the guidelines of choosing a job that fits your personality

1. Are You Good at Languages?

If you are a big fan of languages, this will help you embark on many careers such as teaching, translating, and even writing. You will have the occasion to get an excellent writing style by developing your writing skills. Try to practice an activity that helps you enhance your language and writing skills; just find the jobs that satisfy your inspirations. You can search through Fratres, for careers in journalism, for publishing houses that specialize in stories and novels or work as an editor, translator, proofreader, or teacher.

2. Are You Creative?

If you're a creative person, this means that you're able to create new ideas. You can be fit for jobs that mainly rely on creativity and analytical ideas like marketing, interior design, and advertising. These professions can help you enhance your creative skills, and start your journey into a new world of innovation that gives you multiple opportunities for success and brilliance.

3. Do You Have a Sociable Personality?

Do you love to connect with people? Build strong relationships with your co-workers and clients? Or work with a team that achieves similar goals? If yes, this means that your personality can communicate, listen to others, solve problems, and spread positivity. The jobs that fit friendly attitudes are different and multiple. You can work as a staff leader, to help your team achieve the best goals, or as a public relations manager to build the best customer relationship, or even as a coach or human resource manager who cares about employees and their needs. Are you interested in digital marketing? Learn about the seven golden rules for successful digital marketing careers from here;

How to Start a Career in Digital Marketing in India?

4. Are You a Trip Lover?

Do you like to travel from one place to another and get to know new civilizations that contribute to the development of your culture? You certainly have a friendly personality, a love for adventures, and it is easy for you to cope with new civilizations and societies despite their differences. So you're good at work in tourism and travel agencies. You can find multiple jobs, including a travel agent, a flight organizer, or airline companies, or even a global sales agent. 

5. Do You Like Technology?

careers fit to personality

If you are a tech lover who always wants to follow the latest technology news, and gets to know new technologies, smartphones, apps, etc., you need to find a job in this field. There are many different options, where you can search for employment as an IT employee, phone app developer, web developer, or programmer. All of these functions require not only computing qualifications but also your love for technology.

This was all about choosing a job in terms of personality and skills. Don't let outsiders decide for you. Have a thinking session and see what works with your skills and what interests you in the job industry. 

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