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  • How To Create a Job Winning CV In Tanzania

How To Create a Job Winning CV In Tanzania

The unemployment in Tanzanian remained in 2020 was 9.50 per cent. The highest unemployment rate ever recorded in the history of Tanzania was 12.90 per cent. The unemployment rate is calculated on the behalf of people actively looking for a job in the state of Tanzania. The uncontrollable population growth and the migration of rural to urban areas have contributed a lot to the increase in the unemployment rate in Tanzania. 

In such circumstances, people with good educational backgrounds and skills are unable to find suitable jobs. We have created this article to guide those people who have relative education and skills but lack the experience to grab a job. In this article, you will learn to write a curriculum vitae in such a manner that will help you win a job or at least an interview in Tanzania.

Look for job Offering Portals

Always keep your eyes on the authentic portals where jobs are updated on a day-to-day basis. The active job portals currently working in are Angazetu, Fratres, Ajira Tanzania Online, Zoom Tanzania and the classifieds of daily newspapers in Tanzania. Whenever you find a suitable job for yourself on these portals, read the requirements of the job carefully.

 Evaluate your qualification, expertise, skills and abilities according to the job requirement. Don't rush into applying for the job without self-evaluation. It makes your resume look worthless when you apply for every single job.

Don’t forget to check: How to Grow your Career Tanzania


Be precise and considerate while creating your Curriculum Vitae. Do not write irrelevant experiences and too much information about yourself in the curriculum vitae. Keep the document professional and relevant to the subject. A recruiter doesn't want to know about your schooling, you being the cheerleader or your interpersonal competencies. The curriculum vitae should be created while keeping in mind the job you are applying for. The experience, abilities and skills should be relevant to the job requirements.

Also Read About 11 Different Types of Job Interview in Tanzania 


Honesty is the best policy. The truth has the ability to reveal itself anytime. Lying in your Curriculum Vitae reveals you in your interview. Most recruiters double-check your resume with your former employer and somewhat know much about you before inviting you to the interview.

Do's and Don'ts

Don't ever lie in your curriculum vitae about your previous salary, job designations, achievements, cause of resignation at your last job and your abilities. Be truthful about every minor detail. Don't exaggerate things and never show overconfidence in yourself while writing your Curriculum Vitae. Don't write things which you can not perform or justify when you are inducted to perform your job.

Must Check: 20 Tips for Job Seekers in Tanzania  

Format of Curriculum Vitae 

Always follow the latest formation protocols while creating your resume. Keep surfing the internet to keep an eye on the latest curriculum vitae protocols. 


Use the header of the curriculum vitae for your personal introduction. It should provide a working email, phone number and a general house location of your house.

Personal Information 

In a precise paragraph write about your motive for working with the organization. Sell yourself, your skills, expertise and abilities to the recruiter in two or three lines description.


Mention your achievements and expertise in short active sentences which match the requirements of the job the candidate is applying for.

Education and Experience 

Use bullets to list down your education and the name of the institution you received your degree from. List down your past job experiences, job designation, time tenure and names of organizations you worked with in the past.

cv writing for tanzania

Skills and Abilities 

List down your skills and abilities in bullet form. Considering the job requirements: Emphasize your past expertise, skills and abilities that will be useful in the current position you have applied for.


Use references where they are most needed. References play an important role while screening out of the curriculum vitae. Use workable and relevant references where needed.

  • Use positive and formal language while creating your curriculum vitae.
  •  Be precise and concise about the information you are providing. Proofread your Curriculum Vitae for grammatical and spelling mistakes. 
  • Read it and analyze that there should not be anything in the curriculum vitae that you can not justify in the interview. 
  • The curriculum vitae should always be tailored according to the job requirement.
  •  Never use a general format of curriculum vitae while applying for a job. If you do so you will be ignored straight away by the recruiter.

Never lose hope 

Curriculum vitae is an important key that leads you to the interview. Use it very cautiously to achieve your goal. After winning the interview through your curriculum vitae, you can go into detail about your achievements and expertise to the recruiter. Not every curriculum vitae sent will win you a job interview call. Don't lose hope, try again with better preparation and presentation of your curriculum vitae.

never lose hope keep trying luck for job in tanzania

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