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How to Answer tell me About Yourself Interview Question

Tell me About Yourself is one of the most common interview questions. No matter if you give a phone interview or go face-to-face, your interviewer usually starts a conversation with this question. Since it is the first and foremost questions, you need to prepare its answers in a way that you can impress not only your interviewer but also make an excellent impression.

It is always said that the first five minutes of your interview are real game-changer.. The way you sit, maintain eye contact and answer to some open-end questions like Tell Me About Yourself, Why do you think you are the right fit for this job in Pakistan, and similar matters a lot. So, I will help you prepare the best answer for this common interview question.

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Why Interviewers Ask “tell me about Yourself” Question?

Before you start preparing an answer in your mind, you should know why they ask they ask this kind of question. There could be three possible reasons.

They want you to become comfortable and introduce yourself before they start with some specific job-related questions

Their main intention is to know how your introduction is associated with a post you are applying for. They want to see if you are a Good Fit for the Pakistani Job.

It is a way to check whether you are qualified to work with a team or company overall.

How to Provide an Answer of Tell me About Yourself Interview question?

Don’t feel panic, because if you do, then you won’t be able to create the best response required. Relax your muscle, clear your mind and then do a little brainstorming. Here is a simple formula you can use to create the best answer.

Start from Present, Move to Past and Take them to Future.

Present: What are your current or recent job roles? What you achieved at this level, and what are your special skills and interests are.

tell me about yourself best answer

Know Whether to Put Interest on Resume or not.

Past: Give a reference to your education, old job or experience which leads you to the current role. You can mention where you worked as a leader and achieved something huge. 

Future: Mention some fundamental skills which you think could help your upcoming job and company. It is important to touch your future goal line at the end and with a subtle finish.

5 Ingredients of the Best Answer of Tell Me About Yourself Job Interview

The best answer would be one where you introduce yourself as a person and employee. And then go forward with your past job or achievement; conclude your answer by identifying how the current position will help you achieve your future career goals.


  1. A brief yet interesting personal touch intro

  2. Past-Present-Future Formula (all Professional

  3. Key achievements

  4. Skills that matters for the job you are applying, also know a little about some Interview Skills which let you ace an interview

  5. Future goals


An Example Answer: I’m Shahnaz Malik. When I’m not writing social posts, I spend time with my cats. I take them out for a walk in a park where they interact with other pets while I’m making new friends or meeting old ones. My excellent interpersonal skills helped me a lot not only in my society but also in my old company, where I turned angry customers into loyal ones. I helped my last company to increase its sales by improving customer referral rate from 10 to 25% in 3 months. I think I can use my excellent communication and interpersonal skills in building a social network of your brand.


Why is it considered the best answer?

  1.  Well, in this response you can see a bit of personal touch with a reference to the old job like you can talk about accounting jobs, developer jobs or any other you had.

  2.  She starts by telling about her own life and then connects the dots with professional experience. 

  3. Her interpersonal skills are the key skills that let her achieve a happy customer base in the past. 

  4. So, if she gets this social marketing job in Pakistan, she has a plan to do the same or something more significant for the current company. 

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13 Tips for Creating the best Answer to Tell Me About Yourself Job Interview Questions

professional achievement to add in tell me about yourself job interview answer

  1. Keep your answer brief. Don’t start beating about the bush. 

  2. Must describe some professional achievements like I did that, I got that with my team, etc.

  3. Keep it strictly professional. Never talk about your friends, your family, parents, siblings or partners. 

  4. Prepare your answer, memorize it.

  5. Respond with confidence but don’t talk like you have memorized some script. Convey your message about yourself in a very natural tone. 

  6. In case you want to ace your phone interview, you can write an answer and read directly from your notepad. But of course, you won’t give an impression to another person like you are reading from somewhere.

  7. Don’t share too much.

  8. Must talk about your essential job-related skills and expertise

  9. You need to summarize your answer, but don’t respond with too little information. 

  10. It’s always recommended to make a transition from personal to professional tone.

  11. Don’t talk about religion and politics.

  12. When adding your personal interest, make sure you don’t over-focus on a hobby or interest. Employers don’t like to hire an employee who is too much invested in a hobby or interest. 

  13. Remind yourself, “I’m here for a job interview”. This reminder makes it easy for you to act and talk like a professional, no matter how personal kind of question comes next.


Wrap Up

Write your essential skills, move from present to past to Future and mention your crucial achievement. And you are ready to answer the most common interview question “Tell me about yourself”. Still, have some queries or confusions? Feel free to ask.


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