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How to Answer Do You Have Any Questions for me? Sample Questions Added

At the end of every interview, the hiring manager often asks a question, “Do you have any questions for me?” In this post, I will explain what kinds of questions you can give at that time from the interview and how to respond like the right candidate.

do you have any questions for me

One thing you need to clear in your mind, never answer like, “No, I don’t have any questions for you.”

Instead, prepare an excellent question which gives your interviewer an idea that you have done your research on the company, job, and related aspects.

If you don’t ask any question when your interview says, “ Do questions or concerns do you have about this role” then he might assume that you are not interested in the job. He might uncheck you from the box of potential candidates.

Therefore, never make that mistake.

What to say when the Hiring Manager asks, “ Do you have any questions for us.”

In my personal opinion, you should inquire about the job. It will show your interest in the position, and the employer would be happy to answer. You will give the impression that you want to know everything about the job before you even sign up for it.

Job-related questions at the end of the interview help a candidate make a final decision whether to go to the next step in the recruitment process or not. He can get a clear picture of the job, and this picture will help him decide whether this job is the right fit or not.

do you have any questions for us answers

How to respond What questions or concerns do you have about this job role?

Here is what you can ask your hiring manager.

Does my job require traveling? If yes, then what will be the frequency?

If you are a person who can’t travel often, then this question will help you decide whether to move further or not with the current opening.

Does this job need telecommuting? How many hours are required from an employee?

Certain jobs require you to do telecommuting, even when it is not mentioned in the job descriptions. Therefore, it is essential to inquire whether the case with the latest job openings in Pakistan or not.

If you are comfortable handling a job at your home, then you can think of getting ready for your second interview.

Your interviewer might ask Do you have any questions about the job description?

The fact is that not every job description is complete, and something is missing in everyone. So, here is a chance to get a 360 view of your job. Here are some example questions you can ask.

  • What didn’t you mention in the job description?

  • Do I need to follow the exact job description, or there is something more in my role?

  • Do you mind highlighting the prominent roles and responsibilities involved in this job?

You can also ask some general questions about the job in response to do you have any questions for us. For example:

Is this a new job position, or are you looking for a replacement?

A new job position is a good sign because it demonstrates that a company is growing. However, when its a replacement, then you can ask whether the previous employee shifted somewhere or left or promoted.

Make sure you read reviews about an employer before you sign any contract. If an employer has a track record that shows multiple employees are leaving him frequently, then it is a red signal. Don’t plan any interview with such a company.

Don’t forget to check:


Do you have any questions for me? Sample Answers

Here are some other questions you can ask.

How many hours do I need to work on this job? Do you expect over time? How many hours of overtime are typically required?

Many jobs come with the requirement of overtime. If you are not getting paid for your overtime, then it is a kind of problem.

The longer hours you work on your job, the lesser your pay will be. Unless you know how to ask for a pay rise, you are going to do a job that doesn’t compensate you adequately.

Working for jobs that require unpaid overtime becomes a reason for job dissatisfaction. You may want to leave the job sooner or later, even when you got that job after using your interview skills.

So, make sure you know this aspect of your job before you sign any contract with the employer.

Do employees need to check business email over the weekend?

Every employee deserves a break on the weekend, but if your job requires you to stay in touch all the time, then it’s like working non-stop. It would be an exhausting experience. So, better run away fast from that job at the very first step.

If the employer responds that they care about the comfort of their employees, then it is the right workplace environment for you.

What is the salary grade for this job?

Don’t ask about the exact salary at this point, but there is no harm to inquire a little about grades.

When you are sure about the job and its roles, then you can respond to “Do you have any question for me” with a most-wanted question, i.e., inquire about your possible chance of selection in this job interview.

Smile and ask, 

  • “Do you think I will be a part of your finalists?

  • Based on this interview, do you think I have a good chance of becoming a part of your company?

  • Do you think I can excel in this position?

Wrap Up

You have got all the sample answers for the question. Do you have any questions for me? The main goal is to ask a good question instead of a dumb one. Keep in mind that every answer to your interview question can make or break the whole situation. So, better to be well-prepared.

Here are Some Typical  Job Interview Questions with Answers:

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