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  • How Do Employers Discipline a Difficult Employee at Work?

How Do Employers Discipline a Difficult Employee at Work?

Employees don’t have the same level of work performance, motivation, attendance and even commitment to the rules. As an employer, you want to keep the performance rate elevated without losing a member of your team. So, you want to implement a progressive discipline. How to apply this urgent program and how to save your employees from a dismissal or dropped rate of performance? Let’s find out

When Should Employers Apply a Progressive Discipline Process in Canadian workplace?

Many employees fail at reaching the target of their assigned missions. There are many features affecting their performance. They can be:

although employers have determined the company policies at the beginning of the hiring process, some employees diverge from the scheme and become reluctant to their duties. If you are interested in how to set up again the best professional goals and motives, sign up to Fratres. Fratres is a new job portal, offering tips for both employers and potential employees.

Without any further ado, here is what employers should do to restore discipline at workplace:

1.Investigating the Issue:

investigations for disciplinary procedures

 Before blaming anyone or seeking to accuse a specific person, it is better to conduct research. An employer should be fair in evaluating and judging the employees’ performances. When it comes to investigating, this process should be biased and objective without being too easy or harsh towards anyone. What is the Importance of Promises at Workplace? let’s find out.

2.Rescuing the Situation:

Being easy all the time can ruin the professional ties between you and employees. It’s better to act before it’s too late. As an employer, you should insist on the target and the professional expectation each period. To rescue a crippled performance starts by the following:

-Setting up periodic meetings: during a meeting you can clarify with managers and the team of employees the responsibility of each department and the final results. If the outcomes are below the average, you investigate the reasons and the factors behind that.

-Re-taking/ improvement programs: If your employees are having poor performance, you can retrain them and direct them to reach the expected level. Take a look at; What is a 30-60-90 Day Plan? Know Benefits and Craft One For Your New Job Example Included

4. Progressive Discipline Process:

After this step, employers can decide to keep the employee or dismiss him/ her. This process outlines various operations to bring back employers to the right path. How to apply this process? How long does it last? And what does it include? Understand Employee Hiring Process in Canada

Employers Progressive Discipline Process:

progressive disciplinary process

A progressive discipline process is not a retention session or a punishment. It is another professional retake program to build the employees skills and make them more committed to the potential target. Dismissing an employee is not an easy decision. This step requires thinking about the consequences, as a dismissal requires hiring someone else to take the responsibilities and the new hiring process takes time. A progressive discipline process has many advantages for both parties:

  • For employers, this process helps fixing the situation without harming a team member and replacing him/ her with a new applicant. How much time does finding the best applicant take? What does guarantee that the new member is the best hire? How can we reach good results after a new hiring process? If employers cannot afford time to make a new job opening, a progressive discipline process can be a better solution to keep the same employee with more improvement.
  • For an employee, the progressive discipline process will be a retake session to improve performance and keep his/ her position with more serious potential. This process is like a yellow card before the final red card that means dismissal. Employees should better take advantage of this second chance to keep the job.

Here is what a progressive discipline process includes:

-Warning the employee:

An employee may have a set of benefits and advantages at work. Non deserving employees might lose these benefits. For example, if a company is offering Christmas gifts for hard-working employees. Those who are not giving the minimum expected work will be deprived of the gift.

-Facing the employee with all his/ her defects:

There is no such thing as a perfect employee. But, some employees have personal defects and bad habits that can be reflected in work, public relations, and the way of dealing with important customers. This category has enough despicable characteristics that can ruin the company’s image or create problems such as people refusing to work with this specific person due to his/ her mean attitude. An employer should face this person and insist on changing this attitude. If this employee is not comprehensive enough and not admitting his/ her misconduct, employers can shift this employee in another department based on individual work to avoid problems with others.

-Writing reports including complaints and feedback:

disciplinary process and warnings

The best way to convince employees to commit to a progressive discipline process is to gather evidence proving negligence, incompetence, or misconduct. Employees of course will not be proud of this notice in their professional file, as it will prevent them from promotion at work and from rising in rank. They will follow the progressive discipline process and try to reach the expected level.

These were the reasons for applying a progressive discipline process. The aim of this procedure is to give a second chance for employees and fix the performance rate. This process includes warnings, facing employees with their defects and shifting them to another department to limit the problems. Incompetent employees can improve their skills to retake their positions. Others with bad attitudes should consider this process, as a way to fix their personality at work.


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