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General Job Interview Questions in Afghanistan

Afghanistan is known for its strict condition in both lifestyles and in finding job opportunities. As job availability is limited, employers tend to get picky about hiring and want only skilled people who aren't only educated but have the brains to mend the tricky questions coming from clients worldwide. Like every expected job interview, there is a wide questionnaire with a list of important questions about the job you are potentially seeking, which sets the employment criteria.

This blog will describe general questions and answers asked during a job interview in Afghanistan.

Getting started for the Interview

Before preparing for the interview questions, initially, you must be prepared for the interview situation. In Afghanistan, most firms carry out group interviews by giving a bunch of interviewees some questions to figure out. These questions are generally based on surveys and research held by the firm, bringing your personal life from time to time. Your prime goal is to crack the group interview process, you'll be assessed based on your confidence and ability to make your point.

General Interview Questions with Possible Answers

Different companies ask different questions depending on the nature of the job and the field it is linked to. However, there are some basic questions about your skills, confidence, and capabilities that remain constant. With our detailed guide, you'll have the best answers for all the possible questions.

Interview Questions About Your Skills

The first target of most employers are the skills you acquired as it is essential for stepping into the professional game. Some common questions related to skills are:

  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • What can you do for us that other candidates can’t?
  • What would your colleagues and friends consider as your best qualities?
  • Why should we hire you?
  • What the interviewer really wants to know: can you do the job?
  • afghanistan job interview questions and answers

To answer these types of questions, the key is to hold what you know and stick to it. It is crucial to ponder over your strengths and only say those out loud which can assist you within this job, or else it'll be helpful. If you can quote an idiom, an incident, or an example, feel free to back up your answer with it.

When the employer asks such questions, they're looking for strengths like communication, basic tech knowledge, cooperative behavior, effective teamwork, problem-solving skills, determination to grow & learn, flexibility, motivation, etc. Whereas if you've been asked about your weaknesses, mention as few as you can. It should be noted that the weakness you're stating shouldn't have any impact on your work and shouldn't even be remotely linked to it.

Interview Questions About the Company 

Next, the employer will be interrogated about your reason for choosing their company. The expected questions may be:

  • Why do you want to work here?
  • What do you know about our company?
  • What can you do for us that someone else can’t?

While asking these types of questions, the interviewer wants to assess your knowledge about their company. The best practice here is to acknowledge their aims and objectives within the highlighted field they're working on, which requires basic research on your part. Also, don't forget to include some stats and facts about their company to outshine among others. 

About the job

After analysing your enthusiasm, the interviewer will lean more towards the responsibility that you're agreeing to take on by throwing questions like:

With these questions, the employer wants to determine your understanding about the responsibilities you'll come across. You have to make them believe that whatever job they're about to give you, you can ace it with your skills. It would be best if you shared your future plans associated with the company, which will build a sense of reliability within their mindset. While concluding this answer, pinpoint the positive additions that you can bring to their company. 

About Your Ambitions

Finally, the employer will be asking about your objectives in life or the determination you have about your future. You may come across questions such as;

where do you see yourself in five years


These types of questions are the gateway to express your enthusiasm related to the job. Don't boast about your ambitions and avoid setting unrealistic expectations as it can cost you trouble in the future. Break your planning in terms of short-term and long-term goals.

Wrap up

These sample interview questions and their best possible answers can help you get past the interview as most companies ask similar types of questions. Not only that but it will also be helpful in polishing your knowledge about the background of the position you're applying for. So, whether you're a fresh graduate or an experienced candidate, it'll be easy to get shortlisted with proper knowledge and preparation.


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