Five Unbelievable Facts About Apprenticeships.

Usually thousands of students in secondary schools will soon move to higher education in Universities. The possibilities are many, and the choice can be difficult. The most important thing is that young people get to choose their field of study based on interests, abilities and facilities. Vocational training or apprenticeship is among the interesting study-work programs that attract young people. It is important to learn about the incredible future of apprenticeships in Norway. Here are five amazing facts about them.

 Apprenticeships in Norway:

apprenticeshipin norway

Apprenticeships are a different way of learning and earning. As a part of the Norwegian education system, apprenticeships are available in public schools and academies specialized in vocational training. Apprenticeship is not only for youngsters. There are many specialties targeting adult applicants and oriented towards their current professions ( if they were working) or their future projects. Instead of having a blurred vision about the future, apprenticeships can offer a clear career scheme for both Norvegians and foreigners. The aim of this program is to provide professional training, a qualification and an opportunity to get social security and professional stability. There are many benefits to choosing this program. If you want to learn more about the merits of any education program and the possible career prospects, join Fratres. Fratres is an international  job portal , including professional services for both employers and job seekers. Join Fratres and keep abreast of the latest notifications in your target place.

Now, here are five stunning reasons about apprenticeships in Norway:

1.Teaching top sought-after skills:

What makes apprentices quickly reach good job opportunities? According to Statistics Norway, there is a plan for recruiting 90,000 skilled workers in 2035. This huge number will be scattered in top leading industries such as textile, electrical energy, maintenance, agriculture, and mechanics. In general apprenticeships are oriented towards the needs of the job market. Various apprenticeships are non paid for under aged applicants and immigrants. They also involve a re-establishment plan for veteran prisoners and a way to realize social balance. The majority of apprenticeship programs are not age limit. They last from 6 months to 3 years and a half depending on the chosen program and the age of the applicant.

2.Salary in education, no student loans:

 It is known that some college majors are expensive in Norway. It is not the same with apprenticeship programs. Students are entitled to paid or financed projects in final years. Adding to the cost-effective advantage, apprenticeships help apprentices get a job without a degree, as there are apprenticeship contracts in Norway and overseas. In addition, many opportunities for further education, especially with membership in the Electricity and IT Association.

3. Teaching how to manage and launch projects:

Vocational training is not necessary for joining the public sector. Apprentices can obtain a diploma of self-employment specializations that help them start their own businesses. Some professions based on offering private services are targeting apprentices in the field of self-employment to develop their businesses. Another myth about vocational subjects is that they block opportunities further and that study specialization is the best choice to keep all opportunities open. That is simply wrong. With study specialization, you have really only completed one step up for further education at a college or university. With vocational education, you get full competence as a skilled worker. You can also build on it if you later want to take higher education. This is now possible through extension years or so-called Y-roads. In Oslo, there are also a number of vocational courses where you obtain both study qualifications and a trade certificate. With a vocational certificate, you can also go on to a master's certificate or you can apply for vocational school. And it is often easier for someone with a trade certificate to become self-employed. There are many independent projects that meet vocational students in their work life. The skilled workers are often the ones who use new technology first. Today's car mechanics do not require checking the engine to find out what is wrong with your car. Apprentices connect it to a PC to search for error codes. They work to maintain advanced driver assistance systems, not just replace brake pads. Construction workers operate advanced machines worth millions of kroner, not just hammers and nails. In the nursing and care sector, more and more technology is being used.

4. Application deadline:

application form

 In Norway, there is always a season for enrolling in vocational training programs. It is usually on March the 1st the ordinary application deadline for admission to upper secondary school and placement as an apprenticeship. This choice can actually determine when you enter the labor market. According to Statistics in Norway, there are great opportunities for apprentices to secure their first job with no prior experience and non-paid trial period. Another statistics reveal that 3 out of 4 apprentices are in work the first year after the trade test. More than 9 out of 10 pass the trade or journeyman test to obtain a trade and journeyman's certificate. A person who takes a vocational training program quickly gets into the work life and starts earning money already as an apprentice. During the time it takes to complete a bachelor's degree, a vocational student will have earned NOK 1.3 million and may, for example, have saved up money for equity for a mortgage.

5. There are many updated apprenticeships programs

apprenticeshipand work force

The myth that there is a great shortage of apprenticeships is not true. In Oslo, there are apprenticeship programs in many fields. This means that everyone who meets certain qualification requirements is guaranteed an apprenticeship. The vast majority experience that the apprenticeships are waiting for them, and that is of course incredibly important. Apprenticeships are an important part of the educational process. Those who still have problems finding an apprenticeship, have the opportunity to take VG3 in school, which also provides vocational certificates and a full-fledged vocational training.

These were the top 5 amazing facts about apprenticeships in Norway. Apprenticeships are a quick investment to get into the work life following the requirements of the job market. Adding to the open possibility of joining the workforce, apprentices can manage a self-employed project.


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