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Explore 10 Best Resume Writing Tips to Craft a Job Winning CV in Philippines

If you are looking for some resume writing tips to help you get a job, then this article is for you.

It's not easy to make a great resume. It takes time, effort, and dedication. But with the right tips and tricks, you can make your resume stand out from the crowd.

This article will cover five of the most important tips that can help you improve your resume writing.

CV writing tips in philippines

Tip #1 Set a Clear Goal in mind 

The first tip is to make sure that you have a clear goal in mind. What do you want from your career? What are the skills that you want employers to see? What type of work environment do you want? How much money do you want to make? These are all questions that should be answered before writing your resume and these answers will help guide your career path.

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Tip #2 Try to Set Your Resume Apart from Others

The second tip for writing a great resume is to really focus on what makes it different from other resumes. A good way to do this is by highlighting specific skills and accomplishments in bullet points or a bulleted list

Tip #3  Keep it Short and Concise

A good rule of thumb is to keep your resume to one page maximum.Avoid stuffing of words and unnecessary details.


Tip # 4 Avoid Clichés and Buzzwords 

Don’t use words that are very fancy or uncommon. You are not going to impress your recruiters at all. Your plan is to get attentio with right words.

Tip #5  Make sure it is Easy to Read

It should also be easy to read and understand so that the recruiter can quickly find out whether they are interested in hiring the candidate or not.

The resume must make it easy for the recruiter to see if they need more information about the candidate by including their contact information, education background, work history, etc.

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Tip#6 Write in Third Person

 It sounds cheesy but it's true! You'll sound more professional if you use third person pronouns like "his" instead of "I."

Use action verbs: Action verbs are an important part of your resume because they show that you have experience in what you're applying for - they are also a good way to show that you're proactive and have initiative on your own behalf!

Tip#7 Make sure Resume is Visually Appealing

resume writing tips in philippines

Your resume should be visually appealing.The resume must have a professional image with a clean layout and well-organized content.e

Resume writing is a process that a lot of people struggle with. They either have trouble knowing what to write or they don't know how to structure their resume in the best way possible.

Tip #8 Don’t Write a Generic Resume

The most important thing to remember while writing your resume is that it should be personalized and not generic. It should be focused on what you have done in the past and what you are capable of doing in the future.

While it is true that a resume cannot make or break your career, it can help you build a strong foundation for yourself that will get recognized by potential employers.

Tip #9 Mistakes to Avoid while writing a Resume

Resumes are an important part of job applications. It is crucial to avoid mistakes when drafting your resume. Here are some things to avoid:

* Incorrect typos in your resume

* Using the wrong font or size for your resume

* Not being specific about the details in your resume

- Overuse of keywords and buzzwords

- Incomplete sentences and phrases

- Not including any numbers or percentages

Tip #10 Add All the Important Items in Resume

Resumes are a vital tool for getting an interview. They help the recruiter know more about the candidate's skills and achievements. With that said, resumes must have certain elements to be effective.

The resume is a very important document for jobseekers. It is the first impression that a company has on you. You should not just submit your resume blindly to any company. You need to make sure that it includes all the necessary information and highlights your skills and experiences.

Must have elements in a resume:

- Objective statement

- Keywords

- Personal statement

- Education background

Wrap Up

Finally you have got a clear idea of the best resume writing tips. Try to keep them in mind while crafting your CV for a job in the Philippines. You need to use just the right word to get attention from your recruiters. The purpose of writing it at first place is to get attention, so make sure that you do it right.


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