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  • Everything You need to Know About User Experience (UX) Designer Salary, Jobs, Role and Skills

Everything You need to Know About User Experience (UX) Designer Salary, Jobs, Role and Skills

Your interaction with smartphone is simply in jeopardy if a UX Designer doesn’t offer you easy to use and navigate.Screens are a must have component of mobile devices such mobile screen tools are excessively used such as, phones, tablets, IPAD etc.Since users find these gadgets very  useful and attractive but he never knows what appears on the user’s screen is the work of the UI designer (User interface designer).

Quick Difference Between UI and UX Designers

 A UI designer provides the interface of any computing device such as icons, colours, background and animated elements. These might be similar to what graphic designers do. However, a UX designer ( user experience designer) operates with UI to give optimum results.

difference between ui and ux designers

In this post, I will tell you:

  • What is a UX design?

  • Roles and responsibility of a UX Designer 

  • Skills required to apply for a job of UX Designer in Pakistan

 What is meant by User Experience Design?

User experience design is the study of how the user moves through all the elements that the UI designers have set  for example: colours, animation and icons. A user experience design or UX design is related to visual design, the user’s psychology and consumer service. These three domains are meant to provide the user’s satisfaction with interactive devices like Smartphones and tablets; and software programs that the user use on computers or web applications

What are the roles of a UX Designer?

The whole UX designers job is concerned with the quantity and the quality of the user’s interaction with the software (and the hardware). A UX designer fundamental role is to optimize the things that UI designers have already provided with their aesthetic and navigating devices. When a user experience designer has to design something, it has to be: Useful, usable and desirable. As you can see, a UI design is part of the UX design.

10 Most Wanted User Experience Designer Skills

For taking step forward in UX Designer Career, you should at least have these skills.

1. Distinguishing skills 

They are the skills that differ from one candidate to another. These skills depend on your creativity and talents and depend on what is non-conventional, among others.

2. Updating Skills 

These are the skills needed for day-to-day tasks in many roles.

3. Analytical Skills

A user experience design should have a good sense of analytics, especially when it comes to product development and marketing, data analysis and informative guidelines.

4. Visual Design Skills

Since this field is related to what appears on the user’s screen, having visual designing skills is essential for entering the job.

5. Public Awareness Skills

Since UX design focuses on people, this career aims at helping them improve their lives, work, or whatever your product offers. Therefore, it is essential to think about problems from other people’s point of view.

6. Coding

UX designer’s jobs deal with technology. Understanding the language of the digital product provides many advantages to the user. Therefore, a basic knowledge of HTML, CSS and Javascript are a must-have for making an interactive design.

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7. Project Management Skills

Project management skills play a fundamental role in UX designing. The ability to define precise plans and projects can offer effective results. This is possible under the direction of teamwork with trained employers.

8. Business Skills

UX is considered a good investment when it comes to business. Many companies have established the relationship between user experience design and business growth, which highlights the role of UX designer in business projects such as launching a new Smartphone category, offering new strategies and costs.

9. Writing Skills

Some companies are hiring UX designers for kind written content. Therefore, it is necessary to present a good resume for your application, with an illustrate project samples. UX designer jobs are based on thinking, creative thinking and critical thinking. Know what different types of resume you can consider for your next job application.

These skills give more value to the diversity and the availability of products.

10. Soft skills

Soft skills are the skills that enter in many disciplines because they are based on communicative skills, negotiating skills. Having soft skills is the average demand in every job application adding to your hard skills that make your request very specific.

How to Find The best UX designer jobs in Pakistan

UX design jobs are in demand in recruiting sites. Glassdoor, classifies UX designing as a well-paid profession that can be applied overseas.

In glassdoor’s recent statistics, UX design jobs rank 27 out of 50 best jobs in America. The UX design field is among the highest job opportunities provided that you have the previously mentioned skills.

How much a UX designer make?

There are many statistics concerning the earning of a UX designer. 

An Entry-level UX design Salary in Pakistan is between PKR 75,000 and 80,000. However a mid-level UX Designer in Pakistan can earn up to PKR 90,000 to 100,000, and a Senior level can earn more than PKR 115000.This earning can be double or triple when you for foreign companies. Would you mind making more money by applying for high-level jobs posted on Top remote job sites?

A UX designer salary depends on experience level, on the recruiting company and the employer’s contribution to many exciting projects.The more experience you got on your resume, the higher salary you will earn. 


UX design is one aspect of artificial intelligence. It is based on providing products with meaningful and useful experience. This job goes beyond the UI design that only works for exterior elements. It preferably includes coding and many other skills and roles that highlight the importance of this profession.

In other words, a UX designer job in Pakistan is  all about designing what works for the user’s needs and updating existing products so that business earning operates.

In Pakistan, there are many institutes and resource websites that offer the necessary demands for this job that motivate you to work on specific skills to get the job.

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