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Discover Most Amazing Interview Tips to Win a Job Fast in Singapore

In the modern age of job hunting, the process of interviewing for a desirable position has changed drastically. A lot of companies have started incorporating a more conversational style to their interviewing process as this is seen to be a better way of assessing whether the candidate will be a good fit for the company.The job interview process can be daunting, take a lot of time, and be quite expensive. However, it's necessary to get the job you want.

In this article, I will share with you some job interview tips that have been proven to work in the past for myself and my friends

Research is Important Before Interview

There are a number of things that you can do to prepare for an interview. The most important of these is to know about the company and job position that you are applying for.


So why is researching important before an interview?This is a very common question that we encounter in our everyday life. From childhood, we were taught to research before starting any project. We are also taught to do it in school, at the workplace and in our personal life too. 

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The answer is simple:

  • It helps you create a better impression on the interviewer and increase your chances of getting a job offer.
  • You will be able to answer any question the interviewer might ask with confidence.
  • You get an idea of the company's culture and values which will help you decide if it's the right place for you or not. It’ll also help you decide what questions you should ask so that there are no unanswered queries after the interview.
  • Researching about the company before going for an interview will show that you're serious

Try Answering as Per your Profession

Different professions require different levels of formality. For example, a teacher and a lawyer have different work environments, so their interviews also require different levels of formality. So it’s always best to dress in accordance with the norms for your desired profession.

interview tips for singapore job

Prepare Some Questions for Interviewer

When the interviewer asks you ‘Do you have any questions for me?’, it is important to do a few things. If you have something specific that is on your mind, then go ahead and ask. If not, then inquire about the company’s goals and what they are looking for in an applicant.

Job interviews can be tough. You might be feeling nervous before hand or even during the interview itself. Asking questions will help put you at ease and help show interest in the position and company.

Ready Answer for Common Interview Questions 

It’s also a good idea to prepare some answers for questions that might be asked in an interview. These questions can include ‘tell me about yourself?’, ‘where do you see yourself in five years?’ or ‘tell me about your biggest strength and biggest weakness?’

11 More Interview Tips to Ace a Job Interview in Singapore

  1.  Be confident and enthusiastic in your responses.
  2.  Be honest about your strengths, weaknesses, ambitions and life experiences.
  3.  Use the STAR method to help you remember what to say in an interview.
  4. You should have good understanding of the company's products and services before attending an interview with them.
  5. Don't forget to include your social media account link and email address on your CV.
  6. Always dress appropriately for the occasion by wearing a suit if it is a formal job interview.
  7. You're not alone when it comes to interviewing for a job. The competition is intense, and you will be up against a lot of people with similar qualifications. A large part of the battle is capturing the attention of the interviewer and showing that you are perfect for a particular position
  8. Create an elevator pitch (1 sentence) about yourself.
  9. Bring copies of your resume with you
  10. Be prepared to sell yourself
  11. Please don't overdress or underdress

Wrap up

Questions asked during a job interview vary from one kind of interview to another. As there are no set right or wrong answers in an interview, companies need to find out what candidates can bring to the table beyond what is written on their resume. This makes it difficult for candidates to prepare adequately and they usually end up wasting time studying questions and coming up with answers that they think might work during interviews.


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