Cover Letter UAE Guide - Layout and Format

Every job application requires two vital documents from your side, one is a cover letter, and another one is a CV. You can use the same CV for multiple jobs, but you need to craft a unique and job-specific cover letter for every new job position. A generic style won't help you get the job you want. Recruiters skim your CV, but they read the cover letter with full attention. So, you better know all about Cover Letter UAE Layout, Format, and writing tips to come up with a job-winning application letter. 

Dig into Dubai CV Format and Writing Tips

What is a Cover Letter, and Why Do You Need One?

A cover letter tells an employer who you are and what you do. In your resume, you highlight education and experience. In your cover letter, you communicate directly with the hiring manager and tell him why he needs to hire you.

This direct communication gives you a chance to sell yourself. From introducing yourself to expressing your deep interest in a job, you have to do it all in a few paragraphs. 

Generally, employers expect you to craft a cover letter to tell them Why Should He hire you? or how you will add value to their company.

Dubai Job Interview Guide 

How to Write a Cover letter?

A cover letter comprises four paragraphs only. I will explain each para one by one.

Opening Salutation

Every letter requires some salutation-it's how you address a person who will read your application. A standard salutation is 'Dear Sir/Madam' or "Dear Hiring Manager," If you know the recruiter's name, you should write it down at this place.


You need to create an eye-catching introduction. It's where you need to answer the question, "Who are you?" Use some adjectives like I'm a dedicated marketing manager or I'm a highly skilled Admin assistant. 

In the first line, you tell the recruiter your name, and what you do. In the same second line, you tell him how passionate you are for a specific job he is offering at the moment.


Show your interest in the job. It's vital to do that. Why would a recruiter hire you if you are not interested in joining their company?

Here are some tips to Search Jobs in Dubai

To stand out from the rest of the candidates, do a bit of research on the company. Know what company CEOs do, then mention his name and tell you that you are very excited to join this CEO and learn from him. A little research will tell employers that you know about them, so you are interested in working with them.

I'm Mustafa Hassan, a writer, and blogger who is currently working as a content management team in XYZ to bring the best performance and productivity. Just when you checked the content manager position in your firm, I felt so excited as it will be a golden chance for me to work with Mr. Mujtaba Khan, who is known to be the best content editor of your firm. 

sell yourself

Second Paragraph

In this paragraph, you will try to match your skills with the job. You should know what projects they are working on, so you can show your relevant skills. 

I always wanted to work on a Home improvement project and another project similar to that your team is working on. In my company, I worked on several interior design projects. My trendy design and interior knowledge will help me craft well-researched and engaging content for your target audience.

Third Paragraph

In this paragraph, you need to provide an answer to the question, "Why should they hire you?". So, you need to demonstrate your self-worth. 

I've been handling a team of fifteen writers; we together produce content for social media platforms, print media, and white papers. Our company has earned a reputation in the market due to my leadership skills. I want to join your start-up and use my content marketing and management skills to boost your reputation and provide you a position that your company deserves.

Fourth Paragraph

You have shared vital details like your experience, skills, and worth. Now you need to convince the employer to give you a chance, aka an interview call. For this purpose, you need to use call-to-action phrases. Ask him to contact you for further questions. The last paragraph must include a call to action. 

It would be an honor for me to join your firm and bring more visitors to your website through my proven content marketing strategy. If you have some questions regarding my portfolio, please feel free to contact me at this email ID or give me a call on this phone number. 

closing salutations for cover letter writing uae

Closing Lines

As you tell the employer how he can contact you, the next thing is to make him call you by adding a formal line. You ask him to consider him for the next project and then close this letter with a salutation. That's it.

Here is the standard closing line

Looking forward to working with you on your next writing project.

Best Regards,

Mustafa Sheikh 


Three Points to Consider While Formatting a Cover Letters

Once you compose your cover letter, the next thing to do is to perfect the layout of the UAE cover letter. Here are some points you should consider.

Font Size and Choice

 Every candidate tries to draw the employer's attention toward his cover letter through fancy fonts, but one must not. You need to be careful regarding formatting. A fancy font and a big size font will waste your effort and won't help you get the attention you want.

The best font styles are Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri, Bookman, Palatino, and Souvenir.

Another thing to keep in mind is font size. Standard 12 size is good enough. Don't increase font size more than that unless you need to add some subheadings or heading.


Capitalization helps you get quick attention, but they look unprofessional. It's more like someone is shouting some words. You can emphasize your special achievement with boldness but don't overdo it. Italic font style is used for poetry and story, so when you have an extraordinary story to quote in your cover letter UAE, you can consider it.

Spacing and Margin

When it comes to cover letter layout, every paragraph must have one white space. Adding no space is as bad as adding too many spaces. Your cover letter must not feel like clutter. As you have one page to add your cover letter. So, don't write more than 500 words and make sure they stay on the same page. Remember, recruiters are busy. They won't be able to dive into your lengthy life stories. 


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