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Check Positive and Negative Sides of Remote Jobs

Nowadays, through the internet everything is possible. Many people choose to work from home. Although the word "home" seems comfortable, some people do not realize that this remote employment is also associated with some negative aspects. That why it’s time to know the pros and cons of working from home in this article

How can I get a Remote Job?

How to get a remote job?

A lot of job seekers are interested in work from home and become freelancers. The answer is simple. With the recent development of technologies and the increasing number of job seekers worldwide, many job search engines are helping applicants to reach better job opportunities, among them Fratres. Fratres is a worldwide job search website, supported with more than 150 countries, updating different job offers. So if you want to work on a remote level, you need to carry out some specific tasks for a successful job application:

1.Build a resume/CV

2.Write a Cover letter suitable to your situation and submit it with your CV/resume.

3.Prepare a remote interview.


These were the different technological mechanisms that you should adopt to reach your potential employer through the Internet. This professional option has brought many benefits. Let’s take a look at the advantages of remote jobs. You can also check How to Find Remote Jobs? Tap on TOP 10 Remote Job Sites

Advantages of Home-based Jobs:

Every professional atmosphere has a set of advantages bet it a work from home or at office. Freelancers and especially women prefer to work from home for a number of reasons:

1.Comfort and Flexibility at Work:

Work at home can be at your choice, where you can take breaks and eat whenever you want. There are also no laws imposed on you by your boss, such as not eating anything at work time, etc.

2.Working with Personal Habits:

working with personal habits

Some people prefer to work in a chaotic environment with loud music, for example, others prefer a quiet environment and not to be disturbed. In your home, you can provide the right environment of lighting, temperature or other, without conditions or rules. You can also check Freelancing or Job

3.Wearing Comfortable Clothes:

Let's be realistic, when you're at home; would you be dressed like a news anchor or you will just put on your comfortable outfits? Employees take more than 30 minutes for self-preparation for office. Your home-based job will not impose on you a specific dress code.

4.Suitable for Introverts:

Introverted people cannot communicate with people and are not even attracted to discussions with your colleagues or superiors. That’s why a remote job is perfect for them to avoid any embarrassment or any extra efforts in dealing with people . Here is;  the best jobs for introverts.

5.Contributing to the Development Remote Work Software:

People who work from home have the tendency to use team viewer and additional software and applications to better manage remote work. This professional option has opened the path for technical companies to employ software engineers for updating and developing remote work connection programs.

6. Save Time and Money:

You don’t have to wake up early for your home-based job. The time you spend preparing yourself, going to work and coming back from is saved by your work from home. Concerning money, instead of squandering it on transportation, food, face mask and sanitizer, as they are essential items for work, you can simply save money by staying at home with less expense.

7.Taking Care of your Family Members:

If you are married and you have children to take care of, or have a sick family member, making money at home will be helpful to take care of your family members.

Cons of Remote Jobs

disadvantages of remote work

After all these mentioned advantages, it is necessary to talk about the range of disadvantages and drawbacks of working from home:

1.Boring Work Routine:

No doubt sitting at home generates boredom. Monotonous daily work and routine might demotivate you to do your best at work, especially when your remote task is hectic such as data entry jobs or is less paid compared to your daily efforts.How to Make Your Job Enjoyable When Feeling Bored

2. Neglect:

You may miss calls or meetings on your phone. Your internet connexion is weak and prevents you from staying in touch with the rest of the team of employers. This excuse can be counted as neglect, as work doesn’t wait. You might lose our job if these incidents are repetitive and affect the whole work.

3. Lack of Productivity:

Some employees are less focused on work. There are numerous ways of distraction that might prevent employees from working hard. Some remote employees do not take their work seriously as there is not frequent control or supervision from others. 4

4.Isolation and Lack of Friends:

Remote work can really affect your personality. Going out to work and meeting friends is a pleasure that those who work at home will not know. It is possible that you lose a professional network or become irrelevant to some professionals, as you don’t show up in meetings or have any contact with them.

5.Difficulty at Managing some Tasks:

If you face some troubles, Google cannot hand you the solution. Sometimes you need the presence of another colleague for problem solving help. That’s why your performance can be affected by the load of mistakes that you commit without letting anyone else interfere in your work.

6.Information Security:

Since your business will be limited to the Internet, there is a constant risk to lose your account and confidential information through hackers. Therefore, try to restore your professional accounts or incase of losing it, inform the rest of your team not to deal with you through that account.

These were the different cons and pros of remote jiobs that every freelancer might face. You can inform us in the comment section below if there are other troubles you had faced in remote work.


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