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Check Comprehensive Morocco Resume Writing Requirements and Guidelines

Morocco has been ranked as one of the best countries to live in by many publications like Lonely Planet, The Economist, and Forbes. The country's economy is growing at a rapid pace due to its rich natural resources like oil, gold, and phosphate.

Morocco also boasts many tourist attractions including the Sahara Desert, Atlas Mountains, and Casablanca which is considered one of the best cities to visit in Africa.

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resume writing in arabic in morocco

As Morocco continues to grow economically, there are more job opportunities for Moroccans looking for work outside their home country. Moroccans may find it challenging to find jobs that match their skill set because they are not familiar

Job Market in Morocco

In Morocco, the job market is a little different. It is not as competitive as the US. The job market in Morocco is more about the type of person you are rather than what you have done or what you can do in your career.

In order to get a job in Morocco, one must have education and experience that are relevant to their field. This includes having an educational background that was obtained from a Moroccan university and having experience with work in Morocco. A resume should be written with these requirements in mind.

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Keep in Mind Lifestyle and Beliefs 

The people in Morocco have many different values, beliefs, and lifestyles. With this in mind, it is important to keep your resume writing requirements in mind when applying for a job in Morocco.

The best way to do this is to find out what the job requires and tailor your resume accordingly. For example, if the company asks for two years of experience and you only have one year of experience, then you should mention that on your resume. If the company asks for three years of experience but you only have two years of experience, then you should mention that on your resume as well.

It is also important to know what they are looking for when they hire people based on their culture or religion. For example, if they want someone who practices Islam, then they will only choose a muslim.

Moroccan Resume Writing 

If you are looking for a job in Morocco, you need to have a Moroccan resume.

A resume is one of the most important documents that an individual needs to have when they are applying for job opportunities. It is also needed when applying for visas and other immigration purposes.

A resume should be in Arabic and it must include your name, contact information, education history (including degrees), work experience, skills and other qualifications that you have obtained.

Moroccan Resume Writing requirements vary depending on the industry. However, they can be summarized in a few points.

If you are applying for a job in Morocco or any other country that is similar to it, you should follow the guidelines on how to write a resume.

Quick Moroccan Resume Writing Requirements

The resume must be written in Arabic from start to finish;

 - It must be written on standard paper; 

- It must be written by hand and not scanned or typed;

 - It should not be over 1 page long; 

- All information should be included, including the name of the person who wrote it, their telephone number, and email address.

Guidelines for Morocco Resume Writing

The following are some of the important guidelines that you should follow when writing your resume:

  • Keep your resume short and concise. Make sure that it has no more than two pages. Include your name and contact information at the top of your resume.
  •  Address any questions or concerns about your qualifications in the second paragraph of your resume.
  • include all relevant information about yourself including education, work experience, previous employers, awards and achievements, etc.
  • It is important to mention your family background and achievements in the first paragraph of your resume
  • It is also a good idea to mention your educational background and professional experience
  • Make sure that you have at least one work experience in the last 3 years Include a personal statement about yourself and what you are looking for from the company

resume writing in arabic morocco

The resume should include the following information:

  • Name, date of birth, and nationality 
  • Education level and degrees obtained (degree must be in Arabic) 
  • Work experience and skills gained during this time period (work experience must be in Arabic) 
  •  Personal information such as marital status, children, and family members living in Morocco or abroad

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