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  • Causes and Solutions of Employee Burnout in Sri Lanka

Causes and Solutions of Employee Burnout in Sri Lanka

There are many reasons for employee burnout in Sri Lanka. It can be caused by personal reasons such as sleeplessness, stress and pressure. It can also be caused by work-related reasons like work overload, bad work environment and a lack of fulfilment in the job.

Sometimes, it is not the factors outside of your control that are the most stressful.

It is often the workplace itself that causes employees to feel pushed beyond their limits and into a state of burnout.Burnout can come from a variety of sources from in-office politics to too-high expectations.

Toxic Work Environment

The first cause of employee burnout is an unsupportive work environment.

This might also translate into lack of appreciation, but whatever form it takes, it has an effect on employee morale and will eventually lead to them feeling unappreciated or underappreciated at work which in turn can lead to higher stress levels and even

Mismatch of Skills with Tasks 

The employees might feel disengaged because they are given tasks that are not aligned with their skillsets.

One of the causes of burnout is a mismatch between people’s skills and the tasks they perform on a daily basis. Employees might feel that they are not reaching their full potential, which can lead to a lack of motivation and eventually result in burnout.

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Lack of Sleep

lack of sleep causes employee burnout in sri lanka

A study revealed that inadequate sleep can severely impact executive functioning. It also causes emotional regulation problems, and impairs cognitive performance.

An experiment conducted with a group of students showed that lack of sleep (4-5 hours each night) caused student burnout. Students who slept for 8 hours each night did not experience such symptoms.

Another study found out that too little sleep can cause feelings of irritability, low energy and depression. On the other hand, those who slept more than 7 hours a day reported less depression and anxiety.

The third one was the most extreme: lack of sleep (6 hours per day) led to 11% higher risk for hypertension, 11% higher risk for diabetes, 13% higher risk for obesity and 12% lower productivity at work.

Work and Family Pressure

Employee burnout is caused by a variety of factors, but the most important factor is pressure. There are two types of pressure that are considered the culprits for employee burnout: internal and external pressure.

Internal pressure causes employees to feel as if they have not completed all the tasks on their plate. External pressure arises when other people such as bosses, colleagues, or clients put undue demands on their time or energy level.

Lack of Work life Balance

work life imbalance causes burnout

It's a common misconception that employee burnouts are caused by long work hours. In reality, work is not the main reason why employees become burned out. The real reason is usually the lack of balance between their professional and private lives.

Read about: Effects of Work Life imbalance on Employee in Sri Lanka

5 ways to Address Employee Burnout

Employee burnout is something that can happen to anyone, at any point in their careers. Millions of employees suffer from it and there are five different ways to address it.

The five ways to address employee burnout are:

- Meditation

- Talk therapy

- Exercise

- Mindfulness

- Proper chair posture


13 Solutions for Employee Burnout

Burn-out is one of the most difficult things to deal with, and it’s also a problem that has been getting much more attention in recent years.

It occurs when someone reaches a state of physical or mental exhaustion, or after experiencing unrelenting stress for a long period of time. Burnout is not just about being tired from work – it’s about how much energy we have left at the end of the day and how we handle stressful situations.

1) Reduce your workload

2) Ensure that you are taking due care of your health outside of work

3) Balance your workday with pastimes and hobbies outside work

4) Reconsider whether you need to change jobs

5) Take time off away from work

6) Education about what it is and how it can be prevented, setting realistic workloads for employees with individual needs in mind

7) Putting in place policies that keep workers from feeling overworked and pressured by unrealistic deadlines and work hours

8) maintaining a healthy work-life balance by providing time off from work to spend time with family

9)Encourage employees to take a break when they feel like they’re getting tired.

·10) Give your employees more autonomy and offer more variety in the tasks with which they work.

11) Provide your employees with the opportunity to work remotely or on flexible hours.

12) Make sure that you provide a workplace where people can be themselves, have time for family and friends, and have some fun!

13) Implement consistent processes to improve productivity and make sure that people get feedback on their performance.

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