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  • Best Resume Ideas for Stay at Home Moms

Best Resume Ideas for Stay at Home Moms

You can't find a new job; you lose confidence in yourself over the months, you are afraid to introduce yourself to recruiters as a stay-at-home mom? Are you tired of being professionally underrated and not even invited to a job interview? A large number of stay at home mothers are currently seeking employment and training to get into the professional world. The fundamental access to any job requires a resume. If you are a stay at home mom and you want to get a job. Confine a few minutes from your busy schedule to follow these guidelines. Let's get started.

Can a Stay at home Mom get a job?

can a stay at home moms get a job

It can be not easy to know if you should include your job; as a housewife in this section. It is better not to describe yourself as a housewife here or try to be professional and call yourself a job seeker. But, when the employer asks you about why you left the market during an interview, you can simply explain to them that you stayed home with your children until they enter school, enter college, etc. here is;How to Balance Work and Life as a Mother

The professional world might include specific selective criterions to offer a job. Despite the tough competition, anyone who feels being concerned can apply. There is no discrimination, exception, or limitation for stay-at-home mothers to retain from getting a job. As opportunities are open to everyone and anyone, a stay at home mom can get these professional options:

Thanks to the internet, a stay-at-home mom can conduct an effective job search through the available job search engines. It is recommended to sign up to Fratres for more professional opportunities and updates.

How to Make a Resume for a Stay at Home Mom:

stay-at-home mom resume tips

Making a resume can even create a blockage in writing for some mothers, especially if they were out of practice and coming straight from a career gap.

1.Focus on what attracts recruiters:

A stay-at-home mom may not be the most searched applicant by the recruiter. But, life can take another twist when an applicant's mom has what recruiters are looking for. She can be the professional profile that meets the requirement and positively follows its recruitment policies. This step is not complicated. All you need to do is dig deep into the employer's job offer and bring some interesting key words mentioned in the job advertisement. Of course, you should not copy all of them. Select the necessary terms that can describe your skills and your qualities. You can also re-use them while writing your resume summary. Take a look at; Awesome Words and Skills to Add to your CV

2. Brainstorming:

To start with a notion of optimism, you can start writing a resume meeting your employer's expectations despite being far from your occupational life. It is true that when reading a resume, the recruiter will reflexively check the chronology of the candidate's work experience. If you have periods of inactivity, you should attach a career break cover letter with your resume.

3. Craft your resume:

A resume is a single-page document including your name, contact information, a brief summary, work experience, education, interests, and achievements. Here are some tips on what you can include in your resume while you are a stay-at-home mother:

1. Study while on maternity or paternity leave or career break:

Prove to your recruiter that you were not in complete inactivity. Try to take an additional course to increase your academic status and meet the job qualifications.

2. Do some volunteer work/ internship/ training

Include any volunteering, training, or internship experience. This will be a great support in a resume. Volunteer experience can be just as useful for learning new skills as it is for career experiences. Make your CV/ Resume Attractive with Volunteer Work Experience

3. Work history

work experience in a stay at home mom resume

If you have been at home for several years, your work history may show a significant gap in time. One good reason for listing the work history in the resume is not to stress the details. If you worked before staying at home, you could list your experience provided it has some connection to the job you have applied for. If not, focus on the skills you learned during your stay at home.

4. Applicable skills:

Showcasing skills can be a winning ace for stay-at-home mothers. These skills can be learned through volunteering or other activities. This will have a positive effect on the time spent outside of your career path. Many employers appreciate the skills needed to run a home and care for children, but some will not understand the many responsibilities required to stay home with children.


Here is a sample stay-at-home mom resume:


Contact Information


A multi-tasked, organized clerical professional with three years of earlier professional experience, applying as an assistant position for ABC department, with good management skills and organization to run more efficiently.

Work Experience

ABC company, location

Sales assistant (Feb 2011 – 2014)

Customer-service agent (2009-2011)


XYZ University, location

Bachelor Degree in Business


Information Technology Skills:

Communication skills

Customer-service skills








Volunteer Work:

Joining an environmental association Aug 2016

These were the tips for re-entering the job market for a stay-at-home mom. You can put the necessary changes related to your case.


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