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  • A Simple Formula to Create Best Answer of Interview Question: Sell Me This Pen

A Simple Formula to Create Best Answer of Interview Question: Sell Me This Pen

Are you going to prepare for a sales or marketing job? If yes, then one question whose answer should be at your fingertips is, “Could you please sell me this pen?”. It’s the time when you will freeze as you are not ready.

If you think that this sort of question is not going to become a part of your sales interview question list, then you don’t know an excellent recruiter who doesn’t mind asking some tough interview questions.

Take a step into the real world where you will have to face the music.

how to answer sell me this pen interview question

Different Version of Sell me this Pen Question

An interviewer won’t just ask you to sell him a pen, and he might ask you to sell any other item.

  • For example, Sell me this apple
  • Sell me this ashtray
  • Sell me this tie
  • How do you sell this camera for me?
  • Convince me to buy this toothbrush.

What Does the Hiring Manager Want From You?

By giving you an interview task: sell me this question. He wants to check your sales talent. Your way of handling this task will clear many things about you. It’s the point where you showcase your talent.

A hiring manager wants to check how well you understand your customer needs and wishes. Remember, the art of sale and marketing that clearly describes the customer is the king of business. 

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So, in that room, your customer is your hiring manager. You need to get an idea of what the king likes and how to make him buy that thing.

He wants to check Your:

  • Communication skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Creativity skills
  • How do you make a deal?
  • Are you convincing?
  • marketing and sale skills

How to Answer: Sell me this Pen Interview Question

First of all, I want you to understand just one thing; no example answer you can give there. Nothing that sort exists. 

However, there is a formula guide you can copycat whenever this situation or question comes up.

  1. Know Your Customer; How? Ask questions such as,

When was the last time he used a pen?

What kind of pen does he have a memory with?

Did he ever have a special pen?

Try to ask some questions that help you get to know your customer, aka interviewer. Let him share a quick story.

2. Use This Story and Information; How? Try to relate to it.

For example, if he had a special pen, then make a pen in hand that is special.

If he signed a contract with a pen last time, then tell him how many unusual agreements have been signed with the pen in your hand. 

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Did he use a pen to write a story of his life or a journal? You can say them

It’s time to have a pen that has the power to change your life story. This pen is so influential that it lets you write your own story in those words that inspire you. Get a new positive turn in your story with a new pen.

3.Go Creative;How?

 You don’t have to focus on features like it’s a pen whose ink is so beautiful or doesn’t create blotting on paper, bla bla. It won’t work. No one likes to hear those words.

Instead, you can say that it’s a magical pen through which you can write some spells to make positive changes in your life.

Remember, Aladdin, where a Genie allows you to make three wishes. Consider this pen a genie, you will click on its top, and it will make your dreams come true. 

4. Close a Deal; The last part is quite essential. How?

As you have added creativity in your story by knowing your customer very well, then the final step is to ask him to make a deal with you.

For this purpose, you will increase your pen’s value by saying

It’s a limited edition; grab now before it’s too late. It’s the only one left in my pocket because I came here for an interview by chance.

I offer a money-back guarantee; don’t believe me, use it once. If you don’t like it, then return it.

Get two of these: one for you and one for someone you love the most; Buy two with 20 percent off.

Tips for Answering Interview Questions “Sell Me This Pen”

This question becomes an integral part of many sales and marketing interviews when in Wolf of Wall Street, Leonardo DiCaprio grabs a pen from his pocket and asks a sales executive “sell me this pen.” That was a blockbuster movie.

Although it might seem like a tough question, it is pretty straightforward. If you are a salesperson or marketer, then you won’t hesitate to sell anything that is put in front of you on the table. It’s a kind of test that you need to pass with flying colors. But how would you do that?

First of all, follow the formula I shared above and then keep in mind the following tips.

stay confident how to sell me this pen

  • Stay confident. 
  • Maintain eye-contact. 
  • Try not to sweat it at all.
  •  It’s your time to spell the magic on the audience and tell them you are the One they are looking for.
  • Don’t hesitate to ask questions- after all, and you first need to know your audience.
  • Play the role of a salesperson who will do anything and use any flowery words to close the deal.

Wrap up

Sell Me this pen is one of the most common interview questions for sales and marketing jobs all over the world. To win the heart of your recruiter, you need to sell a pen by using the formula and following the tips.

Best of Luck!

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