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  • 9 Common Interview Mistakes to Avoid

9 Common Interview Mistakes to Avoid

Got an interview call? Congratulations! Now it's time to know about nine common interview mistakes to avoid to make your interview as successful as you want. Many people feel stressed when they think about a job interview. This feeling is natural, but many times it leads us to make some mistakes which we can circumvent with due diligence. In this article, I will unlock all those mistakes, which are a common outcome of job interview pressure. Let's explore them one by one.

1. Doing little or no preparation

You must be well-prepared for your job interview. Preparation means doing your homework on a job you applied for, reading all about the company which calls you for an interview, and having answers for common interview questions. This preparation is a must.


 If you don't prepare yourself, then you always end up with a failed job interview. Interviewers are experts who have years of knowledge and experience in dealing with candidates. In the first five minutes of their conversation, they can tell who did his homework and who wasn't ready. It is one of the common interview mistakes which you should try to avoid at your best level.


2. Arriving Late on Interview

Another mistake which you should never do is to arrive late in an interview. If you do so, then your interviewer thinks that you don't care about his valuable time. It ruins your impression, must know how to make a good impression in an interview.  You don't know what meaning other people will interpret from you, but trust me, that meaning will be a hundred percent negative. It's an amateurish approach that you have to avoid at any cost.

You can avoid this common interview mistake by using Google Maps. Estimate the time you need to your destination and then add up some extra time which you might have to spend on the busy traffic roads. Try to reach 10 minutes before your scheduled interview time. Keep in mind that a candidate who reaches on his interview on time leaves a professional and positive impression on the interviewer.


3. Reaching Too Early

On the contrary, don't arrive at your interview location too early. I have seen many people who reach first like one hour before the time because they don't want to be late; this is nothing but a mistake. When you arrive earlier than your scheduled time, you disturb your interview or might confuse him. This situation doesn't vote in your favor.

Avoid this common interview mistake by reaching at least 10 minutes early on your interview location. Let's suppose, and you arrive at a destination half an hour before. Don't enter into office, wait in your car or restroom.

4. Losing your Focus


Try not to lose your focus during an interview. It happens when you are confused, on diet, or restless. Make sure you hydrate yourself, eat your meal correctly, and try to get a good night's sleep. I know the pressure of having a big interview next day is too much, but if you don't sleep well, then you will surely lose your focus on the game in the morning. This mistake is what you have to avoid at any cost.

maintain your focus common interview mistakes

When a person asks his interviewer to repeat a question or something else, then it doesn't look cosmic. Another person quickly concludes that if you are unable to maintain your focus during your interview, then how it would be possible for you to clear your cloud during work. You can learn to stay focussed in this distracted world.


5. Talking Too Much

Another common mistake made by many candidates is to talk too much. It is because either they are confused or trying to make some impression. Don't do that. Try to keep your response to-the-point and concise. Don't go side-track, means talking about your personal life. You are present in a professional environment, so you should demonstrate a professional attitude. Keep your own life aside.

Don't talk too much in an interview

6. Showing Zero Energy

In contrast, some candidates show less or no energy during an interview. They talk in a slow voice and don't respond with enthusiasm, which is another beyond the pale scenario. If you are not excited about this job. Like you don't show your interview that you need a job or show some interest, then how can you expect him to hire you for it. Showcase your energy at its best level.


7. Not making eye-Contact

Your gesture and posture always have an impact on another's person. Make sure to use them wisely. If you don't make eye contact, then your interviewer might think that you have no confidence in your skills, or you might be lying or hiding something. God knows what he will interpret from this situation. Therefore, it is vital to maintain your eye-contact during an interview.


8. Being Over- Confident

Many people become so overconfident and arrogant during a job interview; they behave like that they have got a job. It's a highly objectionable case. It's okay to show confidence in your skills and work experience. However, what is not okay to behave like you are the only right fit for the job. Don't underestimate others. Stay humble and confident during an interview.

9. Starting Materialistic Negotiation

During an interview, the interviewer will ask about your salary, bonus, and package. Be concise, and don't discuss too much about your worldly expectations. You can say that you are open to the best package negotiation. Even you can respond with a better approach, tell him that you will discuss it in the second interview or through an email to the HR department. When you show your professional attitude and don't bring up concern for a salary package or bonus, then it pays you well later.If you don’t know how to negotiate salary then check this guide.

Wrap up

I explained nine common interview mistakes to avoid. Keep them in mind, and you will have excellent interview experience.

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