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  • 8 Common Job Interview Questions in Armenia

8 Common Job Interview Questions in Armenia

When you're in the job market, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by all of the different types of job interviews. Many types of interview questions might be asked and may vary depending on what type of position you are interviewing for. This article will focus specifically on common Armenian interview questions. These include both behavioral and situational-based questions, which can help employers better understand your past experiences and how they relate to the position applied for. If you know what these typical interview questions are, you can prepare yourself accordingly so there won't be any surprises during your next job interview! 

  1. What are your weaknesses??
  2. common interview questions for job in Armenia

This interview question is meant to understand better your self-awareness, which employers find important when looking for new hires. Answer this by highlighting an actual weakness and then explaining how you compensate or improve in that area. For example, if you are not very organized at work but know it affects the quality of your work, explain what specific steps you take towards improving organization skills. You can also answer with something like "I am always working on improving myself" as long as it's true! Don't mention any personal life weaknesses such as laziness because these questions should only focus on job-related topics. 

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2. Tell us About Yourself?

tell me about yourself job interview armenia

This is a broad question, and employers want to hear all about you. Do not give your resume information, instead focus on the present and future. Start with where you went to school (if relevant), then discuss what led you into this industry/job position and why you are interested in working for that specific company. Be sure to talk about any past experiences or skills that relate to the job at hand, such as achievements, awards, etc... Also, make sure to sell yourself by mentioning how your experience makes you perfect for this role! 

3. Why did you leave your last job?

This question is meant to learn more about your work history. Employers want someone who knows what they are doing and can stay in one position for a long time if needed, so be prepared with an answer that shows stability without being negative towards past employers. Try something like "I felt I had accomplished all of my career goals at my last job" or "It was just time for me to take on new challenges." Then share some examples related to the role applied for, such as increased responsibilities, furthering education/training, etc. 

Must READ:How to Write Resume for Armenia Job

 4. What are your goals?

This is another broad question that can be answered in many ways. Employers want to see your ambition and drive, so they may like an answer more tailored towards the position applied for, such as "I would love to one day become a manager of my own team." If there are no specific goals related to this job role, you should always try framing it around company success instead. For example, say something like, "My ultimate goal is to help grow/make our business better than ever before!" 

5. When Were You Most Satisfied in Your Job?

This question is meant to gauge your interests, what motivates you and how much you enjoy certain tasks. Employers want to know that this job will be a good fit for you, so try sharing some past experiences where you showed initiative or received praise from clients/coworkers. The key here is to explain exactly what it was about the situation that made it satisfying for you, including increased responsibilities, independence, etc.

6. Why should we hire you?

This question can be intimidating but is meant to understand how you view your skills and abilities. Employers want someone who knows what they're capable of, so don't sell yourself short! Start with a few key strengths such as "I am extremely organized, which helps me stay on top of projects" or "My past experience gives me great insight into this industry." Then explain why that specific strength will benefit the company, such as increased productivity/profitability, etc.

7.Why Do You Want to Work Here?

This is another broad question employers ask all the time to see what makes you interested in their business. Start with a few things that attracted your attention, such as "I love working for nonprofits" or "I have always been passionate about education." Then, discuss how those interests will benefit the company by being able to relate it back to specific job responsibilities, i.e., managing donations/making sure students are educated, etc.

Don’t forget to check:11 Websites to Find Jobs in Armenia

8. What salary are you seeking?

This is one of the most commonly asked questions in an interview which you should never answer. Instead, say something like, "My salary requirements are open." Then redirect to what matters more, i.e., benefits/perks, etc.

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