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  • 8 Best Video Interview Tips to Follow for Remote Job Bahrain

8 Best Video Interview Tips to Follow for Remote Job Bahrain

Due to Pandemic, many companies have started taking video interviews. So, when you get an interview call, you should prepare for this interview. It is always different from a physical interview. You might not go there but you have to keep you and your surroundings strictly professional. Here are some tips that help you get a successful video interview.

1.Select Place of Interview 

Since you are not going out for an interview, you need to set your interview place at home. Whether it is your home office, bedroom or kitchen, it should be quiet and well-lit. You will sit there and talk with your potential employer so the background should be clear. Try to have less distractions in your space. The light must be proper, it should come from the behind and doesn't cause glare. When there are too many front lights, your face will look superficial and employers will find it hard to look at you. 

remote job interview

2. Check Tools

Your computer must have a video conferencing app like Skype, Zoom, etc. Ask where they plan to get an interview and then test this application. Choose a place where internet connection is stable and doesn't cause distortion. You need to rely on a microphone, putting it all on the speaker isn't a good idea. Get your headphone and camera tested. Check for angles and pick a place where your employer can see a clear picture of you. Once you test all the tools and ensure that everything is working fine, you can move to another step of video interview preparation in Bahrain, which I'm going to mention below.

3.Interview Attire

There are so many discussions about interview attire. Some think that it's okay to look casual in a video interview. Some candidates are so confident that they are ready to go for this interview in their PJs and without pants. It is indeed a bad approach that will take you nowhere. If you want to be successful in your video interview in Bahrain, please dress to impress. It means picking only professional attire and don't stick to casual. Keep your PJs and other casual cloth aside and buy some nice-looking suits. 

4. Body Language

During your video interview, you need to sound professional and be careful about your body language. Don't make awkward gestures. Consider yourself sitting in front of a panel as you normally do in a walk-interview. Maintain eye contact and don't nod too much. Your tone should be professional too. Don't eat anything in front of your potential employer and also don't comment about their background. Keep it professional, simple, and elegant. No matter what Bahrain job interview, you are giving your body language and tone definitely matters. 

You need to show your passion for the job during the interview. Make sure employers feel that you are a positive and quie interview. As far as posture is concerned, sit back on a chair and keep your shoulder open. Your hands can rest in your lap or on the desk. Feets should be resting well on the floor.


When you are confused because it's your first video interview, then you should practice a bit. For this purpose, ask your friend to conduct a video interview. This practice will give you confidence. Some people stare at the screen during an interview. It's a bad idea. The reason for practicing is to know where to look and take control of your postures and gestures.

6.No Disturbance

Whether you are going for this video interview call from your home or office, ask your friends and family not to reach you during the interview. People moving around you during a job interview is always a bad impression. If you have babies, ask a friend to take them out for an hour. You need to give an interview in a quiet and peaceful place. So many distractions and disturbances will break the good tempo of your video job interview.

7.Perform a Test One-day Ago

Make sure every device you use must be working such as webcam, headphone,microphone, etc. Clean space one day before, so you have enough time to get ready for the interview. Doing it all in one day makes you look tired. Do cleaning one day before. Having a good night sleep and a healthy breakfast helps you look fresh. Listen to some motivational podcasts early in the morning to set a positive mood.

8. Interview Questions and Answers

Research for the most common interview questions and prepare their answers. Some employers send you some questions and ask you to record them. For this purpose, you can get help from  a friend. Ask him to mock an interview, so you can prepare for an interview well. Make a list of questions and prepare all answers. 

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