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  • 8 Best Interview Tips to Ace a Job Interview in Cyprus

8 Best Interview Tips to Ace a Job Interview in Cyprus

Whether it's your first job interview or you are used to going to an interview, it's important that you have some basic job interview tips in handy. It's okay to feel anxious one day before an interview. No matter how many times you go through a job interview in Cyprus, this feeling is completely natural and somehow unavoidable. So, when you are planning to make a good impression on your interviewer then you should consider following a few job interview Tips Cyprus 

  1. Make Up Your Mind 

I never like the idea of going to an interview unprepared. It's a completely unprofessional move that you need to avoid at any cost. Some people become very confident and they think that they can answer any question well. So, instead of doing any kind of effort, they go to interviews without even making up their minds about questions, company and other stuff. 

You won't have to do the same. If you are confident, it's a good thing. But overconfidence will backfire you, keep that in mind. You can't outsmart others, especially your recruiters.

So, my very first tip for an interview is to make up your mind about every single thing like what dress you will wear, what answer you will give and other related aspects. 

Go to an interview well-prepared- it's the smartest move- no matter how intelligent or smart you are.

2. Know About Company

Many people believe that companies invite them for an interview just to know only them. Well, only 70 percent of that is true. Company invites you to interview after reading your cover letter. They know many things about you. Now they want to know how you can be a great candidate for them. So, talking all about yourself won't work. You need to understand the company. Like what they do, what their mission and goals are, what their clients are, and other stuff. 

Please don't go to a job interview in Cyprus without preparation. Always complete your homework about the company. Try to answer every interview question in a way that you add some value to the company.

Another reason for doing this homework and getting to know company is to dial down your anxiety level. When you know about a company, it would help you better understand what you need to expect and what will happen. It won't be difficult for you to draw a picture of the company, its workplace and culture. 

3. Be as Impactful as You can

Most of us spend all day picking an interview attire, which is a big mistake. How you look matters but it's not the only thing. A simple tip here is to check the company's social page and employees to get an idea what works and then pick accordingly. You will set first impression with your dress. However, during the interview other things also matter. For example, how long you maintain eye contact. Everything matters from your gesture to posture. So, if possible please work on these things too.  

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4. Stay focused

You need to avoid all the distractions and try to remain as focused as you can. Pay attention to panel discussion. Don't ignore your recruiters. Try to get a clear idea of the story behind an interview question. If a recruiter feels.that you are distracted by your phone and other stuff, it won't be a good impression at all.

Find out common Interview Questions in Cyprus

5. Dont stress 

It is okay to go under stress during an interview, and forget some answer..if it happens you can take all the time you need. Sometimes, a recruiter asks you a difficult question intentionally. He wants you to feel stressed, it is a kind of test that you need to pass at any condition. Plan a mockup job interview at home with your family and friends, so you feel ready for stressful questions and their answers. Practice composure as it is one the of the best qualities, which recruiters are looking for. They like to hire people who can perform well with and without pressure.

don't stress interview job tips cyprus

6. Ask questions

ask questions job interview tips cyprus

There is a 80-20 rule in an interview, you answer questions 80 percent and ask 20 percent questions. When you ask questions then you show your interest in their company and its projects. It also tells the recruiter that a candidate is interested in the job and has done his homework well. Your question can be related to the company. Ask questions that are relevant to your job skills. Don't ask irrelevant and baseless questions. Also, don't try to joke about anything.

7. Don't hesitate to clarify

Sometimes a recruiter asks a question and you don't follow it properly or miss its actual meaning. In that case, my job interview advice in Cyprus is to clarify it. You have all the rights to ask for clarification. Giving an answer without getting a clear picture is a big mistake, which costs you this job in Cyprus

8. Follow up is a Must

One of the best interview tips for a Cyprus job is a follow up. Once the interview is done, always send a thank you note to your recruiter. A handwritten note may seem old school but it is an impactful approach. You can send an interview follow up email two days after a job interview in Cyprus.It will help you influence your recruiter a bit or let him keep you in mind.

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